Cold and cough meds?

I am new to the forums and also newly Dx as type 2.

I am coughing my head off and have had a cold for a few days now and it occurred to me that the cough meds are making me feel terrible. I took my blood to see what it was and it had in fact spiked up. Great!

What cough and cold meds would you suggest?

I feel like a dope that I did not realize this until now.

Thanks, MK

I use a col/flu thing but pills, no delicious robitussin. today at walmart I was buying 8475 cheap strips and there is cough medicine for diabetics, o sugar I guess. haven't tried it tho.
feel better!

Hmmmm, most of the cough meds have cautions and can raise my BG a whiff but I suspect more of it is being sick. The one I like the most is the 24 hour pseudoephedrine, it clears my head and lungs out until I breathe. My other horrible home remedy is to run my BG down to around 40 or 50 and cure the low with a couple of screwdrivers to get my BG back up and create an unnatural environment for the germs. It seems to work pretty well....

I used diabetic tussin last year when I had chest congestion- I ordered it online because the pharmacies never carry that one for some reason. It has only guafenesin as an expectorant. There are a few diabetic cold remedies in pharmacies which have no sugar but some may have artificial sweeteners- not sure if they spike you. You can try benedryl also that sometimes helps me when I have a lot of nasal congestion. Try boiling water in a bowl with a towel over your head or a hot shower. I have also used alpha cf for colds and flu. Hope you feel better soon!

ps:We have to remember that this country puts sugar in practically EVERYTHING, even many otc meds and some vitamins.

robitussin makes diabetic versions too maybe?

I took Cheratussin AC (prescription from before)and yes I should have looked up the side effects, that was kinda my point..
I was wondering what to take and apparently for a cough and cold, something to help me deal and your advice is a cold med and to drink.... ok noted.


Thank you mee! I will have to see what I can find.

Our store has some, sending my husband out to get some now.

I had bronchitis a few years ago, I guess c. 2008 and had some AC (codeine?) or other. There's a vicodin cough syrup that's more heavy that they gave me after maybe 2 or 3 weeks of *cough cough cough* all the time that worked very nicely, shut things down. Good with Star Wars or LOTR too! I think that stuff is pretty loaded w/ sugar, I'd bolus for it but probably just guess, over bolus and eat. If you ask the doc, they can order the "diabetes friendly" version, I guess w/ less carbs or whatever. I don't know why we should have to ask for it.

Really, I do the drinking/ hypo if I feel a hint of sick to stop it in it's tracks. It's *not* recommended by any doctors!

If I take sudafed, I don't feel sick but the little red ones only work for a couple of days before they don't work as well. For some reason the 24 hour ones seem to work very well. Even if it's a stuffy nose, I find it blasts out my nose, sinuses and down into my bronchial tubes, etc. Very good stuff.

Yes it has codedine in it which I am guessing is not my friend.

I am will see how the Diabetic tussin works and move on to the heavy artillery if needed later.
So you think watching the movies Starwars and LOTRs or playing mmorpgs? I think I did not understand that comment.

Thanks for the advice. Really I am not dumb just way new to this ridiculousness, I am too old to have to change too. Oh well.

When I'm sick enough to get an RX for strong medicine, I like to have a snort of them, park myself on the couch with some tea, soup, etc. Ice cream PRN, fire up the surround sound and watch sci fi movies!! I think 2008, not too long after I got my pump, was the last time I got sick, which is very fortunate. Being sick is no fun. I'm serious about the 24 hour sudafed though. That stuff is great for any sort of breathing related congestion.

I just use good ol' Robitussin. IMHO, if I'm high, it's because I'm sick, not because I had a couple of teaspoons of some barely-sweet, gross-tasting red liquid.

I stick to Alka-Seltzer Cold&Flu or Cough or whatever, and a heavy dose of Aleve when I'm sick. I dont' remember the details of how, but Aleve or Tylenol and other anti-inflammatories are useful cough suppressants just by themselves.

I second GuitarNut though, I always just figure if I'm high when I'm sick its because I'm sick and not because of whatever tiny dose of medicine I might have taken.

I always kind of thought the sugar-free cough syrup was probably just a marketing move, but Calorie King has nutrition facts for some medicines (turns out Red Nyquil has 19g of carbs per serving!) so you could theoretically compare a couple before buying, although I can guarantee you thats not something I would do a very good at when actually sick enough to need to take something. You might be a more functional sick person than I am though....

Feel better soon!

I love the Alka-Seltzer cold and Flu but my cough was keeping me awake, and my husband also.

I love the Meds my husband got last night, it was actual Robitussin formulated for Diabetics. I actually felt better and not worse when I took it. No sweats and uncomfortable feelings.

Thank you all for your advice. It really makes me feel less alone in all this.

yw :)glad you found something that works for you, I thought robitussin made one also. I do get affected by even small amounts of carbs pretty often so it makes a difference for me. And I'm lo carb so I don't want to add extra carbs in with something like a medication where it isn't even needed.

Tylenol doesn't have anti-inflammatory properties. Aleve and Ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin) do, though.