Yeah, ok, so most women in the “two week wait” obsess about imaginary pregnancy symptoms. And us diabetics have another possible one – our blood sugar! So did any of you notice an effect? Before you took a pregnancy test?
(Yes, I know I’m being stupid, and yes, I know you’re can’t really have any symptoms until it implants and you start making HcG. I know!! Humor me.)
Yep, skyrocketing blood sugars that didn’t respond to correction boluses the way they usually would. I was also sick at the time, though, so that could have been part of it. However, I increased all of my basals and had to keep them that way for at least a few weeks, if I remember correctly.
Nope. Well I did have some highs, but I’m not sure that they were due to hormones or to my diet at the wedding that I attended that weekend! I did have a lingering headache that got me excited though!
Everyone seems to be different, but my blood sugars got all sorts of crazy after implant and before I was able to take a pg test. Don’t be afraid to up your basals if you see that happening (and you’re on an insulin pump, that is - don’t remember how that works with Lantus it has been so long). Worst case scenario, you need to lower them again in a few days.
I am one of those crazy ladies who “knew” before it was physically possible to know. Like two weeks before I could to the test. I did have the odd skyrocketing highs that wouldn’t come down like others mentioned, but I also felt a bunch of other symptoms very early on. And my pregnancy was by accident!
I think as diabetics we are much more in tune to what our bodies are telling us. So if you have a sneaking suspision, go ahead and react to it. Even if it turns out you’re wrong, the worst is that you’ve taken care of yourself!
Good Luck!
I even emailed my CDE to see if my crazy numbers could mean I was pregnant, but she thought maybe they were caused by the natural fluxuations in my hormones since I had just stopped taking the pill. A couple of weeks later, I got my answer: a positive pregnancy test! My blood sugars were literally the first “symptom” of pregnancy I had, way before anything else. I think the crazy #s happened around the time of implantation.
Doubled meal-time insulin needs from day one. That was the first clue. It happened literally overnight. Luckily I’d read on here that that could be a sign of pregnancy so I got out the test and lo and behold…
Well…On August 9th I thanked y’all for your responses to this question…yesterday I found out I’m PREGNANT!!! Woo Hoo! Now I can answer this question with a definitive YES! My BS numbers were CRAZY. I would be in a good range before meals…eat 40-50gm carbs and then go up to 180-210 and stay there for 5+ hours. So, tonight I upped my basals and I:C ratio. I have also fell queasy and have indigestion. I’ve been totally forgetful and clumsy. I left the house and my husband called about 6 hours later and asked if I knew why the front door was open. I had gone out the front…in through the garage and then left the house. I also put the dogs in their crate and then forgot to close it twice. The damage was minimal thank goodness. I go in for more blood work tomorrow. Pray the hcg and progesterone levels have elevated!!
Hey Karlye – so am I! We’re about the same timeline; I found out about a week before you and am 6 weeks tomorrow. I didn’t notice anything very weird with my blood sugars until about the time I tested at 4 weeks. Since then, they are definitely a lot harder to keep stable… some random lows (usually I know when that’s likely to happen), and some stubborn highs that don’t want to come down. I’ve had to almost double my overnight basal to stay under 100 when I wake up. I’ve also had to up my carb ratios, but not TOO much yet. I definitely have to test a lot more, because the number I get is often a total surprise.
Hi Kestrel!
How are things going with your pregnancy? My blood sugars are much more stable not that I’ve adjusted my basals considerably. We go in on Friday for my first Ultrasound! I’m excited…and nervous.
Good – I think! – thanks for asking! My sugars have been pretty good the past few days, too after daily tweaking of basals and I/C ratios… I’m finally waking up in the 80s rather than ~110. And last night, hanging out with friends, I managed both pizza and ice cream without breaking 128. I thought I was going nuts there for a while – all the “official” sources tell you to watch out for lows the first trimester (Ok, I’ve had a few unexpected ones) and that insulin resistance doesn’t start til later.
We go in Monday for our first u/s, and I’m absolutely petrified… Seriously. I’ve had no spotting or anything, and my hcg levels more than doubled, on two testing ocassions. But I’m still scared! I guess it’s mostly because I don’t really feel all that pregnant. And it just seems like the odds of a problem are really high if you add my age (almost 40) to my type 1 diabetes to my Hashimoto’s (they say presence of antibodies can raise the risk of miscarriage, even if your TSH is good).
Good luck at your ultrasound! Feel free to message me – it’s fun to have another type 1 at almost the exact same stage of pregnancy…
Wow. we just tried round 4 of clomid. yesterday my sugar go all wonky. needing at least twice the correction to get under 100. So far no positive but i am hoping.
I too have type 1 and hasimoto’s and am nearly 36 so I am nervous. I would love to year how things are going.