Did anyone know they were pregnant before they could actually prove it?

Hi there,
Normally, the week before AF comes, I usually have to up my basal program to almost 50% because of high BGs. Well, it’s been 3 days since I would have normally upped my basal, and I’ve been below 6.0 mmol/l this entire week. I’ve also had to cut my bolus rate by 30% because I’ve been going low 1-2 hours after meals. I’m 6 days away from AF coming, so too soon to take a test, but I’m almost positive I’m pregnant (my boobs are also super sore and swollen). Did anyone else have these symptoms?

It’s so funny hearing your story. With my third pregnancy, I was laying in bed around 10:00 next to my husband. I got up and said I was going out to the drug store to get a pregnancy test because I said I think we’re pregnant! He thought I was crazy but I got the test, did it, it was positive! Sometimes you just know. I hope it’s good news for you!

Thanks for your reply @Sally7! Turns out I was right! I took a test this morning :slight_smile:
Although, I had hypos all night, so I’m a bit worried. I think it might be my pump site, so I’m going to switch it tonight and see. I miscarried my first at 8 weeks, so I’m really nervous about that happening again.


So very happy for you!!! Those lows are quite challenging due the first trimester. Hang in there. I know the worry will be intense. Wondering if every blood sugar out of target is harming the baby. I also lost a baby at 5 1/2 months it made it very hard to think about trying again, but I just think if that horrible thing hadn’t happened, we might not have our wonderful son. Because we did decide to try again. This is going to be hard and challenging but it is so very worth it! Good luck and keep us posted.

For my second pregnancy, I did IUI. My blood sugars changed (went up markedly) within less than 24 hours of the IUI. I immediately knew “something had happened”, and indeed I was pregnant. That something is now a bright, loud and bouncy 6 yo. I always joke that she made her presence clearly known from day 1, literally.

I have not had a successful pregnancy since then. However, I have had a few miscarriages. Blood sugar changed (up or down, I have experienced both situations) very shortly after conception. So I totally believe it is possible to know very early… and the changes that conception makes to our bodies also start very early, well before implantation even.

Congrats!! To piggy back off of what everyone else has said, I also knew right away. At each early major “event” (i.e. conception, implantation) i would get a spike in blood sugar, which I’m assuming is from hormone changes. The other symptoms followed but they just confirmed what I already knew :slight_smile:

I worry about about miscarriage as well yet as of right now I’m 18weeks with twins. So far all three of us are healthy. Keeping my fingers crossed it will stay that way! Even with diabetes, things can still go right.

@MamaRex Congrats! That’s amazing. At least you’re past the first trimester.

@Sally7 and @JustLookin Thanks for your input and encouraging words.

Man, the lows are exhausting, but I’m not complaining one bit. Hoping this pregnancy goes well. I had my HCG tested last Thursday (1134.2) and this Monday (7500), so at least that is progressing well. I go for an ultrasound this Friday, super nervous and excited. And I think the morning sickness may have started this morning, which is exciting for me, since I didn’t have anything last time.

Thanks again for all your responses <3

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Good Luck Keely. Will be hoping to hear that all is going great for you. I swear that all the hard work, sweat and tears are worth it. My girls are now 6 years old and 9 years old and it just keeps getting better (and the work and worry and love continues)….

Hi Ladies,

I am officially 12+1 weeks today. I go for my NT scan on Monday (Christmas Eve). We are planning on telling our families over the Christmas holiday given the scan on Monday looks great.

We’ve had quite a few scares this trimester, couldn’t find a baby at heartbeat at the first ultrasound, then the heartbeat wasn’t as strong as they’d like it to be, finally at 7 weeks we had a strong heartbeat and a baby measuring perfectly. Then at 7+3wks I had a bleed which led the OB to find a hematoma in my uterus. I was bleeding on and off for 3.5 weeks and I think it’s finally gone.

Even though I’ve had terrible morning sickness (throwing up at least 4 times a day), it’s been very reassuring that the baby is okay. Although, I am hoping it will go away in the next few days so I can enjoy Christmas dinner :joy:

My last A1C was 4.8%, which was pretty low, but my endo also took into consideration how sick I’ve been and just told me to eat or drink as much as I could and lower my insulin doses.

Can’t wait to get passed this first trimester and hopefully have a more enjoyable second and third trimester :slight_smile:

Thanks for all your support!

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