I use a Dexcom G6 cgm with the Tandem X2 pump. This morning my cgm sensor gave a “sensor error” on the phone app. The app message said to wait 3 hours before calling Dexcom to give the sensor a chance to come back online with readings.
I waited 3 hours, the sensor did not come back up with readings, so I called Dexcom customer service. I happened to get someone who must have had a bad day because he growled at me saying “The people who have Dexcom and also have the Tandem X2 pump are supposed to call Tandem for their sensor/pump problems.” Oh…Okay, I did not know that. So I called Tandem and that guy was also very grumpy and told me “I am trained to troubleshoot pump problems, not sensor problems, call Dexcom.”
So, I am left hanging so to speak, my pump has been suspended for over 4 hours, my BG is over 200 and I did what I should have done much earlier. I pulled the sensor, and put in a new one. By then my numbers are in the 200s and I am struggling to get them down. I went for a walk hoping exercise would help. Can anyone share what I was supposed to do when having a sensor error? This sensor was only 3 days old and all of a sudden it just went down, not working. Also, when you have a high number like I do, how can we know how much extra insulin to give ourselves? I already put in a new infusion site and have checked my BG a number of times.