I had been diagnosed with insulin resistance since 2005, I was 25 years old. I was in recovery from a long battle with Anorexia and Bulimia, and my mother who is a nurse realized my breath was smelling 'sweet'. I went to an endo, who did a 2 hour blood glucose test on me, and voila insulin resistance. I was put on 500mg of metformin a day and sent away with instructions to come back every 3 months for something called an A1c. And, of course, to eat right (yea, thanks for that... everyone at that point was concerned with my food intake!)
Being in recovery from a long term eating disorder, and finding out I was pre-diabetic, was a blow to the system. One that I chose not to handle properly. I focused on my recovery, albeit took the metformin, but that was about it.
Fast forward several diagnoses later (Celiac Disease, Hashimotos, and, eventually Cancer) and several years later, and several pounds later I was diagnosed with full blown diabetes in 2012. I had moved, started going to Diabetes Centers of America, and found out my A1c was 10.3!
After several oral medication changes, my doctor put me on 2,000mg of Glumetza a day. She also started me on insulin (Levimir)and my blood sugars were still not evening out much. The time to act brought us to fast acting insulin, and I was put on Novolog (just correction factor.) STILL my body was not responding, so my doctor upgraded my treatment to the vGo and continuing with the Glumetza. My blood sugars have been much better on the vGo
So, where am I at present day? We talked about getting on an actual pump yesterday at my appointment. I am researching now, and am pretty much narrowed down to either the Animas Ping or the OmniPod.
I have filled out the paperwork for both, and will drop off the paperwork on Monday, for Diabetes Center of America's rep to contact the companies and we'll go from there...