Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, OUCH!

MY FEET WON’T STOP HURTING!!! So I am taking a few different meds and a OTC cream to help but they still hurt like hell. Here is my newest problem though, my legs twitch in the evenings as I am winding down for bed. As I am laying on the couch or in bed watching TV just chilling out my legs have this uncontrollable electric shock feeling that make them twitch. Its crazy as all get out and I can’t stop it. Sometimes it starts as early as during dinner and I can feel them under the table begin to move. Does anyone else have this same problem? What the heck is it? Will it go away? How?

Yes I had the same problem. I could not keep my legs still. I took so many presrption pain meds that I often thought I would OD. The terrible thing was they didn’t help. I am now taling Neurontin for the neuropathy and it has made such a difference. It hasn’t completely taken the pain and discomfort away but at least now I can keep my legs still and the pain is tolerable. At one point I thought I would never get more than a couple of hours sleep again. But now I can sleep again.

Sounds to me like Restless Leg Syndrom , Autumn…
Do a search on it in here there have been a few topics about it…
Our TU friend Joanne might be able to help you… Have a chat with her
Here is one of her URLS…
Just click on her name…

Hi Autumn: :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear that your feet are in pain. If the pain is from Neuropathy, is it possible for you to get your sugars under better control? Those drugs just cover the pain, as far as I know. They don’t help the Neuropathy decrease. Sometimes Neuropathy effects People differently.

I had a numb toe on my left foot many years ago and when I would lie down at night, the stabbing pains were terrible. That scared the H*ll outta me. No way was I going down the same road that my older Brother did. I soon got my sugars back in the Good range and the numbness and pain totally disappeared, thank God. It was well worth it.

If the twitching isn’t a side-effect from one of your meds. then it probably is RLS as Craig suggested… Many Diabetics seem to have that condition. I sure hope that you feel better. Good Luck!