Almost two months ago, on September 25th, I was diagnosed as type 1. It's been a really interesting couple months to put it mildly...
My doctor says I have been the model patient - which is awesome! This morning though I discovered a swollen lymph-node under my chin on one side. Is this something I should go running to the doctor about (even though I'm sure its probably just the beginning of a cold or something given the season...) just because I have am a diabetic?
All of this is just so new and overwhelming some days. I very much so have a love/hate relationship with this diabetes monster.
We're all different in how much we utilize doctors, but me I would wait and see. If it's a cold, it's just a cold. If it starts to look like something more, then I might consider going to the doctor. The important thing with any kind of illness is to keep a close watch on your blood sugar as illness can raise it and you might need more insulin until you are better.
Hi Ali: Welcome to the club, even though that is such a weird thing to say! Zoe has given good advice; just test your BG often to be sure you are okay. Also, if you do get a cold, some cold meds can really raise blood sugar, so be careful what you take, if anything.
Welcome. I've been at it since 1984. You can get better treating T1D. Relax. Be curious. Experiment. Write stuff down. Don't stress - you have a lifetime to get this right!