For those of you who don't know, Dreamfields is white wheat pasta with a ton of protein and fiber and 5 net grams of carbs. They do something to protect the carbs from being fully digested, and they stay that way as long as you don't overcook it or store it in a liquid. One entire box has 35g of carbs.
I've found that it tastes exactly like "real" pasta and has almost the exact same texture. It has a slightly longer cooking time.
I've been using this pasta for years without significant impact to my BG (unless, of course, I add too much marinara sauce!). It was recommended to my father by a nutritionist/CDE. Has anyone else tried it?
Yes, but it didn't work for me. I had to count the carbs that practically made it the same as regular pasta and since it costs a lot more it wasn't worth it for me. It seems like it works for some people but not others. Glad it works for you!
I know someone who had that problem and it turned out that she was cooking it for too long. They say very specifically on the box that it must be al dente (which is fine by me, anyway).
Also, I think it's the same at my local ShopRite. Other people have said it's more expensive, though. Go figure!
I tried spaghetti squash and acorn squash. I couldn't stand either. The squashes (minus zucchini and family) are one of the only types of vegetables I don't like.
I have always cooked pasta al dente. I just think it works for some people and not for others. At least that is what seems to be the case when this topic has been posted before! Glad it works for you!
Yeah, if I'm going to eat pasta I eat the regular stuff, which I rarely do because it spikes me like crazy Just plain Zoe - no @ in front of my name!
I actually like squash, but it isn't pasta to me...not even close. YMMV as always!
I cooked it quite al dente & had a huge spike several hours later. I threw the rest away. Given the choice, I'd prefer a sooner spike:) Many discussions here about Dreamfields. Glad you didn't have a problem & seems that many do. Perhaps because you're prediabetic.
Interesting. I never thought to attribute a spike hours later to the pasta...I wonder if that ever happened to me. It's the only pasta we've been using for years, so I should've noticed. Perhaps it's the protein?
its, strange the way it the protected carbs stay protected in some people and not others. me and my t1 friend ate it at my mothers house. we both bolused as we would have for regular pasta because we just didnt believe the claims. i was right on target bg wise, she was at 41 an hour later! weird!
I have been eating it for years and it has never been as carb friendly as advertized but I can eat it with little or no trouble where as standard pasta is a no no for me. I count the carbs and protein when bolusing and do not use their net carb recommendation.
There were times when I couldn't so much as think about carbs without being in the 160's, but Dreamfields worked fine with zero spike. There have also been times I was in the 140's from it, but I think that's the marinara sauce talking, not the noodles.
Because I'm being gentle on the carbs now and trying my best not to encourage myself to do unhealthy things (as well as because the best side effect EVER of Metformin is loss of appetite), I would never do this nowadays, but I once or twice ate an entire box of Dreamfields pasta with zero spike. Like I said, I'm not stupid enough to do it now, and it would probably be an issue now, but it was nice...