Dreamfields Pasta

I know probably everyone has either heard about or eaten Dreamfields pasta.
They advertise 5g digestible carbs… but on the back, “carbohydrates” 41g

I was wondering if you only count the 5g or the 41g?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hello! I count the 41goc;) deducting fiber doesn’t work for me

I take 1/2 the fiber count out of a total carb count if there are 9g of fiber or more in each serving. So if something has 40g of carb and 10g of fiber, i count 35g of total carb. Everyone seems to be different on fiber and how it effects them so you will have to figure out what works for you. Anytime you can get something with more fiber that is good for you.

My high school buddy, who has been diabetic as long as I have been (23 years), hates the net carb readings on boxes of food. They are not regulated by the government so they vary from brand to brand. He got burned many times by using the net carb reading and ending up with high sugars.

I love Dreamfields.Ive called the company and asked this very question.They told me it is the 5g number to count but that does not work for me.I go in the middle and usaully that works pretty good…Ive been told by a nurse that if you over cook it you loose the benifit so follow directions close.

Sure that isn’t called Dreamfields-tose? Laxative effect is a bit much for me… I will just go for a lower dosage of Mullers.

Thank so much you guys!
I’ve eaten this pasta before and didn’t have any problem, it’s just I forgot how many carbs I counted…

Now that I’m pumping, I like to go with lower carb meals and eat more often… so I think I’ll count them at like 20 or 25…

Brad: I have heard something similar to that. When I get boxes of cook-able things, I go ahead and measure and bag out a serving size, so I wonder how long I should cook it…?

Al dente, as they say. Pasta gets carbier the more it’s cooked, so it’s best to cook it just until it stops being crunchy. It tastes better that way, too!