First Appointment

Just wondering when everyone had their first appointment after having a positive home pregnancy test. I am pregnant with #2 but I have moved since my first was born so all new doctors and such. With my first one I had my first appointment and U/S at 6 weeks. I am currently almost 8 weeks and I am having such a hard time getting into the high risk OB/GYN. I have been on the phone with my PCP getting a referal and also with the high risk office for a week and a half. After MANY phone calls I finally got a reason why I could not schedule an appointment - apparently the lady that does the scheduling is on vacation so I have to wait until Monday to schedule my first appointment (seriously?!?!). With my first child, I just called to say I had a positive home test and I got in almost immediately. I did live in fairly large city and now I live in a rural area, so not sure if that is the difference.... but I'm just wondering what everyone else's experiences are with first appointments. While I have been though pregnancy before with Type 1, I am still nervous and would just feel a whole lot better seeing the doc and getting an u/s to make sure everything is ok...

With #1, I saw them around 6 weeks. With #2 (I'm 29 weeks now), I thought I was 7 weeks but turned out to be only 5. My current OB group also has only one secretary who handles their appointments, and she is quite often "away from her desk" (doing what?!) when I call. So it took me awhile to get in with them, too. I can understand your frustration and nervousness, and I hope you can get in soon when you (hopefully) finally talk to them on Monday.


That sounds unnerving! If its any consolation, I live in a big city and am working with an excellent perinatologist and endo team and my OB apparently doesn't need to see me until week 8-10. I thought it sounded really late too, but was assured that it was normal. I had gotten an appt with her before I conceived just to cover my background, though. So hopefully you can get this straightened out in the next week or two!
Do you have an endo team? That would be really important to have in place now as well.
Best of luck! Hope you're able to find the right care soon.

Congratulations, Amy! With my 1st pregnancy, my OB saw me around 9 weeks... I was floored that she wanted to wait that long, but I soon learned that was fairly common (and I live in a big city). This pregnancy, I was seen right away for blood draws and have my first ultrasound at 7 weeks, since I recently had an early miscarriage. I feel so much more "high risk" because of diabetes than the early loss, though...

Endo teams also seem to vary widely - I was seeing a different doc for my last pregnancy, and he saw me at 8 weeks. My new endo saw me the day after a positive HPT.

It's so crazy how much variation there is, and given all of the development in the 1st trimester, you'd think OBs would want all women in the door ASAP...

Amy, I was seeing an RE at a fertility clinic, so they did a viability u/s at 6 weeks and then referred me to my OB. I saw her for the first time last Friday (about 9 weeks). When I scheduled the appointment I believe her receptionist told me she typically sees her new OB patients between 8-12 weeks. She isn't a high risk OB, so that may be why she was easier to see. At the hospital I am using, all high-risk patients have to have a primary OB and the high-risk OB consults with them. I probably won't get to see him until 16 weeks or so, Sorry they are not making this easier on you- that is so frustrating! Seems odd that only one employee at the clinic can schedule appointments! Hopefully once she returns they will be able to get you in quickly! Good luck!

I’m on the same boat as you friend. T1, second pregnancy, (miscarried the first one) and you won’t believe that these reasons are not enough for my HIGH RISK Drs to see me sooner than 8 weeks. Not even for a blood test to check if my Progesteron and Hcg levels are ok. Its so frustrating! The surprising part is that I live in NY a relatively large city. I’m even thinking of going to the ER maybe there they’ll take me seriously. :0 (

Have any of you asked your endo if they have any recommendations for an OBGYN? They might have a good idea of someone who is experienced with diabetic pregnancies.
Good luck!!

I was finally able to get an appointment for this Wednesday - I think i will be about 9 1/2 weeks at the time. Once the secretary was back from vacation she still refused to make an appointment for me and was giving me the run around. So I ended up calling my endo office and they were shocked at the difficulty I was having. So they called the high risk office and the secretary said there was a "misunderstanding" and 5 minutes later I had an appointment. So glad that I have a great endo team that has my back!!! :)

That is so ridiculous! It would take them 2 seconds to do a blood test to put your mind at ease a little bit. Did you ever go to the ER? Were they able to help? I don't understand the resistance for dr's to see us early. They say that the 1st trimester is so important for development yet they won't see us until it's almost over!!!!! So frustrating! Hope everything is ok!!! Keep us posted! :)

Glad to hear you got this sorted out! Good idea to do it through your endo to get their attention. Best of luck.