Hi all, I am new to this forum. T1D for 12 years, 5 weeks pregnant with history of m/c. I was wondering when everyone had their first OB appointments and if the doc did HCG testing. With my last m/c I was told they would monitor me closely with the next pregnancy which is not happening. I have called to follow up about a third HCG test to make sure everything is progressing as it should but have not had any luck. Has anyone else ever experienced this? My first two numbers were low but they did double (138 and 3 days later 633). I am looking to get insight on how soon appointments were made, how frequent they were and what to expect. Thanks!
With me, mine didn’t want to see me until 7 weeks. But then they saw me right away when my m/c happened. So as long as you are not having cramping or spotting, they might want you to wait. They want to be able to do an ultra sound I bet… But weird when they said they would monitor you…
I had my first OB appt around 8 weeks. This is my first pregnancy and they wanted me to get in no later than that since they consider it "high risk". They did a pregnancy test, but can't remember exactly what else. I did get blood work done that day though. I did not go back until 12 weeks, but ever since then, I have had an appt every two weeks, and an ultrasound once a month. I am currently a few days shy of 28 weeks. In addition to all of the normal screenings, they did do some additional bloodwork to check for spinal defects and highly recommended the CF testing. They also did a fetal echo cardiogram around 20 weeks to check for any defects. They told me at 32 weeks I will be going in twice a week to do the fetal non-stress tests and for my weekly appt.
I know it is not quite the same situation, but I hope this helps! Best of luck to you!
Hi Jopwood,
I have never had a m/c but I am T1 and had one T1 pregnancy.
I attend a "high risk" pregnancy clinic at a large hospital, specifically diabetic focused patients on Tuesdays. For my first pregnancy, I came in at 6 weeks. Thats when I found out I was pregnant. My first appointment, they took a pregnancy test that came out positive and gave me a transvaginal ultrasound immediately. From then on I was seen every two weeks if my BGs were in a good range. If my BGs were too high, I had to come in once every week. Had to have an ultrasound every month, normal blood tests, and at 20 weeks a fetal echocardiogram. In addition to all this, I had to see my endo once every month or every two months depending on my numbers with blood and urine tests.
All the doctors and nurses constantly ask if there is any bleeding, cramping or anything out of the ordinary. If there is anything out of the ordinary, they go nuclear on any patient, with constant monitoring in maternity triage.
I hope this helps, I wish you the best!