Just a bit angry yet confused about how others see diabetes.
I had an eye test the other day and the lady was so patronising asking me why I
have not been looking after my diabetes. I mean we are only humans we have good
times and bad times don’t we?
For 13 years I have not had any problems have not been in hospital for anything
but the one time something goes wrong I am not looking after my diabetes?
Maybe my body changed; maybe my insulin needed a change.
Why would I just decide not to look after myself after such a long time?
Just a rant had enough of so called professionals judging us when we are trying
our very best with a disease that has ups and downs.People looking down at us when we are hypo or hyper and
telling us what to do.
Me too! Know that feeling all to well! They think we’re suppost to stop our lives to take care of the D. I get really upset w/my neph… oh heck kidney DR be my Endo has no problem w/me runing a high A1C and apparently the kidney dr does! I walked out of his office in May I think it was just stewing at him!
Why did she assume that you were not looking after it? Was there something wrong with your eyes?
Yeah, you could have an A1C lower than them and you STILL aren’t doing it right. I think it is their jobs to make you feel bad - it all gloom and doom. They want you to be doing bad so they can make more money off of you by telling you to come in for some other appointment.
Ignore her - she doesn’t have D right? She has no idea how hard it is. Let see HER do it.
I’ve had docs and nurses chastise me, because of a single random reading of 130.
At that point I’m afraid to tell them in the week before I was as low as 40 and as high as 300.
Yeah, most of them just don’t “get it”.
If it makes you feel any better, the standard way of teaching diabetics 30 years ago, when I was first diagnosed, of the dangers of “not looking after my diabetes” was to show me pictures of feet with gangrene and amputated legs.
This buffoon doesn’t have any experience on how it is to live day and day out with a disease like diabetes. Next ask the next idiot that give you grief would they be alive if they had to manually control their breathing…This is what diabetes does to a person we have to manually control an body function that is involuntary.
What business is it of hers to ask you a question unless she is planning on making a donation to the cause of your welfare? I have not encountered anybody that has been so overt to tell me something like this. I don’t mind opening my mouth and saying something depending how the situation is presented to me. I had a friend of mine that prides herself on being a physical trainer and was complaining to me about her diabetic patients. I told her the same thing to try and regulate her breathing, I suggested she should prick her fingers 8 times a day, use the extra money she has on medications and DR visits ( $200-300) and explain to your child why she can’t have a extra toy. Once she does that then she can complain about people not following your workout routine.
Don’t get your feathers ruffled. Just asked how would they manage if they had to manually regulate their breathing. It should bring things into prospective.
Because despite their profession, people are still just people, and can be and are rude and unthinking sometimes. My comment is an adaption of an Ann Landers saying “Why on earth would you think I wasn’t taking care of my diabetes, and is it really your business”?
You are right we have good times and bad, and unfortunately the bad times are the ones that people choose to see and respond to. Maybe we could make it a practice to respond in a different manner, when we feel the need, like positively…
“WOW you’re really looking good”, “Congrats on getting out there and exercising so much”…positivity breeds the same.
Kinda like "paying it forward:.
Honestly, I don’t mind when health care professionals get on my case for my diabetes mismanagement. Somebody has to.
For years, I had great management with A1cs in the 4s. When I started to slip, everybody tried to tell me that I was heading for trouble. I didn’t want to hear it and made every excuse in the world for myself, telling myself that I’m the only one who could understand what I was going through. When my A1C hit 9, I actually remember telling my opthamologist that it was because I was taking a vacation. I’ll never forget his expression and response, “Where? Bagdad?”. At that point, even though I’d known him for over 20 years, I thought he was the biggest ■■■ ever. Last year when I got retinopathy, I’ll also never forget the expression in his face and look of complete empathy. He wanted to say “I told you so”, but he just sat down and explained to me how imperative it was for me to get my BG under control.
Every doctor, dentist, optomatrist, clinic personel I have to see always has something to say about the importance of my diabetes care and managment. Some are nicer about it than others, but there is no way around this other thant to not tell them I’m diabetic and hope they don’t pay attention to my medical history. They go through their speil and I listen and nod.
Ultimately, Im either in control, or not. If I’m not, I have realized how important it is to be reminded of what I’m heading for no matter how much of an ■■■ they can be about it. i just don’t need the people responsible for leading my managment to be enablers.