My husband got us Google phones. Is there any way to make my CGM compatible with it?
What CGM do you have? If Dexcom, is it G4, G4 Share, or G5?
None of the above.
It’s a Google phone
None of the above.
I have a G4
It’s my understanding that the G4 without the Share upgrade can only display on its dedicated receiver. Now there may be some workaround that I’m not aware of. If you want to pursue this, I would check with the CGM in the cloud facebook group.
While Studio may still be operational, it’s my understanding that Dexcom no longer supports it. Dexcom Clarity is a great replacement.
For g5 there is an xdrip beta app that works with Android phones.
At this time the Dexcom G5 goes not connect directly to anything except the iPhone. They are working on a version that connects directly to the Android platform but it is much more complicated due to all the variations in Android platforms. The only way that I am aware for an FDA approved method to get your CGM readings onto an Android platform is by using Dexcom Share through the iPhone. You use the iPhone Share mobile app to “share” the data into the cloud and the use the Android app to get the data from the cloud.
Not worth the hassle. Thanks for clarifying
Hello Loretta,
I have recently found an open source project called “Nightscout”, have you heard about it?
It may seem hard to work it out, but maybe you could give it a chance.
My understanding is that Nightscout is the only way to get G4 data on an Android device. I started to set up Nightscout, but it’s an involved process and I didn’t get it complete (it wasn’t worth it for me, since I don’t have anyone to share my data with).