You can’t understand that I am not sure what he does believe? And that might make me uncertain?
Yes, I understand that politicians are pretty tricky bunch regardless of party. So when a politician say they are going to help me, I immediately get scared.
In the words of Spock, “we reach.” Perhaps the most frighteningly awful Star Trek TOS episode of all time, with other classic lines like,
“Brain and brain!” What is brain?"
I’m concerned about the outcome of this election but guess I would have been just as concerned if the result were the opposite. I do not trust either political party with my health care.
The ACA needs to be fixed. It is a well meaning experiment that was ill conceived. If the goal had been left at providing insurance for the uninsured things would be much better but bureaucrats will be bureaucrats and their need for control turned health care reform into something that did more harm than good. Many people were harmed to help the needy. Thats no way to help.
The conditions in this country are not the same as when the ACA was put into place. There is no super majority this time around. There will have to be compromise if anything is to happened.
I supported neither of these two candidates but I’m not going to believe in gloom and doom. I will pray that we can make lemonade out of the lemons that we have been given.
Maybe it’s a deficiency in me, but I simply can’t view politics in the hyperbolic, apocalyptic terms that seem to be pretty much expected nowadays. “This, too, shall pass,” It always does.
The ACA is a patchwork crazy quilt of disparate and often conflicting initiatives that simply robs Peter to pay Paul. For every good effect (and there are some, no matter what critics contend) there is a countervailing bad one. It has certainly increased my costs dramatically, and I’m far from alone in that regard. Our health care system needs fixing, desperately, and I am not at all sanguine that the incoming administration will have the will or ability to fix it. But I’m equally skeptical about whether the other side would have done any better. That’s what’s really sad.
At times like this I wish Fred Rogers (1928 - 2003) was still around. In his absence, Timbeak48 is the next best!
I find this thread divisive of our community, and inappropriate. While I feel compassion for those that are distressed by the election, I also understand that just as many are relieved.
I really wish you hadn’t posted this thread, Tim. I believe, quite strongly, that we have fellow members that have been opressed by by the social shaming nature of this sort of discussion, and on TuD and in the DOC in general, that’s not something I ever want anyone to feel.
Everyone should always feel welcome, not like a member of some group that their “friends” hate or resent.
And if readers think any of what I wrote above gives you insight into who I voted for, think again. This is not about me feeling offended.
[quote=“Timbeak48, post:33, topic:57252, full:true”]
The disconnect for me, if I can talk about Mr. Trump as a person, is that he has said and done things that are disrespectful of women, veterans, disabled people and gold star families (families whose sons or daughters died in service to their country)–just to name a few[/quote]Well, since we’re going to turn TuD into another political shouting forum (which will soon have me leaving again), I’ll say this about that: I’m just as offended by being told I racist because I’m white and just aren’t aware of it by Hilary Clinton. And that’s just to name one of many insults she hurled on account of race, gender, socioeconomic status, and on and on.
I find the things Trump said obnoxious. I also find the insulting, baseless accusations Hilary routinely makes against broad swaths of the public obnoxious as well.
If you are one-sided in your judgements on this, you are simply another hypocritical partisan, not a person committed to the supposed principles you believe drive your outrage over Trump’s indefensible utterances.
I think everyone needs to step back, breath, and just drop this conversation. I have a lot of strong feelings about the election, but as has been told to me here…this community is built on lifting each other up, not tearing each other down. If I were to guess, I would say that those those voted for each of the candidates equates to about 50/50, within this forum/community. And we all have our reasons, which I don’t believe anyone here is going to convince anyone else that their side is wrong, or your side is more right.
I didn’t see any malice intended in Tim’s initial post but I’m sensing a lot read into it…that’s just my perspective. This IS a time of change (Democratic president to Republican President…all 3 branches led by Republicans). This IS a time of uncertainty (for the same reason previously listed.)
If you took offense to his initial thread that I read fully as an uplifting message to everyone, then perhaps your issue is bigger than his message.
Just my 2 cents.
If you only saw some of the meme’s I’ve created and some of the mud I’m throwing in OTHER social media settings, you’d probably not even recognize me…but this just isn’t the community for it.
[quote=“ClaudandDaye, post:49, topic:57252, full:true”]
If you took offense to his initial thread that I read fully as an uplifting message to everyone, then perhaps your issue is bigger than his message.
[/quote]In my opinion, one must be very socially naive to think that, after the divisive election we just had, posting a sympathy discussion about how terrified one is after the outcome of the election would be uplifting to the community in general.
Rather, I think it was blatantly obvious that there was a high risk it would divide the community.
And, of course, that’s what happened.
I guess I’m “socially naive” then, Dave. You happy? Does it make you feel better? If so, then I’m happy I could help.
You better believe there is a lot I COULD say, and a lot I WANT to say…I’m just NOT…because that’s part of being an adult and conducting myself like I should in a given situation that I find myself in. I know the purpose of this community, so I’m always going to ASSUME the best…not the worst…about people’s intentions in what they say.
But rest assured I have strong feelings that I’m not afraid to share…sometimes too much so…I just won’t do it here because I’m an adult who is trying to respect others, and the forum/community that I know I’m a part of here.
Whoah, honestly very sorry you took my statement with such offense. I certainly meant none at all.
I honestly just think it naive, based on what I said. Since when did “naive” become such a horrific thing to say?
Then none taken.
Whether the original post was divisive or not, the continuing comments along the lines of “I think we should stop talking about the election, but just before we do, here’s my 2 cents”—don’t help. Either stop, or don’t stop. We’re here to support each other. One choice does that. The other doesn’t.
David, my apologies. You are right, but I was just stating the facts as they are. But you are right, they didn’t help.
Any Admin with super powers able to lock this thread? Seems it’s getting nowhere and causing some division among the community.
We’d rather not lock it if we don’t have to. Let’s all cool off. We are here to help each other.
You have to start talking about afrezza to get a thread closed;) Agree that everyone should relax. Everything’s going to be fine.