I’m volunteering with the Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative as a patient advocate, to help find and share the stories of people with diabetes and with diabetes-related vision loss, as part of an effort to raise awareness and also support more research into causes, treatments and eventually a cure for diabetic retinopathy.
Would anyone here who has experienced diabetes-related vision changes be interested in talking with me about your experience, and maybe share it with MTM Vision, either in writing or a little video interview with me? If you’re at all interested, and would like to chat, please message me!
You can see more of my images on my web site: www.mprosenberg.com
I had extensive laser therapy to both eyes in the 1980’s, and eventually lost my vision in my left eye. I thought it ironic to take up photography as a hobby after that.
You have successfully taken a negative aspect of diabetes, a vision loss, and transformed it into a positive creative one. Congrats on finding creative expression despite living with the health threat that is diabetes.
The North Dakota picture of the aging farmhouse does tell a story through your use of composition and lighting as seen through the camera lens.
Thank you. I never succumbed to self pity, and decided pretty early on that I had to be in control of the disease, and not the other way around. That is why I became a research scientist. I have had bad doctors, and some very good doctors who treated me as a partner in management.