Herbalife and Diabetes

A cousin of mine called me yesterday to tell me about Herbalife and how she had heard about it being beneficial for diabetes, etc.

To tell the truth, I have no experience with it (besides the fact that I’ve been hearing about it for many years), so I wanted to ask you guys if anyone here is/has been a Herbalife user (what type diabetes do you have) and if you have consumed Herbalife products, how has the experience been with it: has it helped you in any way to bring your BG levels more under control?

I personally have no experience with it. But anyone considering getting involved should probably do some research into it’s background and claims. Here’s someplace to start:


WOA, Ken! Thanks for that link! I haven´t stopped reading the information in the site and one of the sites it linked to:

Thanks, Ken. That multi-level marketing website you name is pretty interesting.

I’ve never used those products but any time I see a website where someone can join in the ‘business opportunity’ it totally kills it for me. I looked at some of the labels on their products. The muscle shake mix has maltodextrin in it, which is very common for ‘normal’ workout blends, but this is bad stuff to ingest. Don’t do it. Also, fructose and dextrose are the next ingredients…um, yeah…more sugar.

The ‘Kids’ shake has (after soy protein): fructose, sugar and dextrin as the next ingredients. More sugar that our kids do not need (nor do adults need). The products seem like run of the mill commercial supplements that have more hype than delivery.

If anyone is interested in trying a real shake mix, try Ultimate Meal. My family has taken this since the late 90’s. We also use Superfood from Dr. Schulze. I have found his products to be superior to many, with organic herbs that he buys from US suppliers direct. Although he always puts pictures of himself in his website and magazines, his products are top rate. Remember, this is only my opinion, although I have been around these types of products since the 70’s. His Echinacea and SuperTonic is killer, as is his Heart and Cayenne. I used some of these with me traveling all over Europe for 2 months working 12-16 hr days on a film and never got sick once, no booster shots, nothing but quality herbs.