HI HO, HI HO -- An Addendum

I want to take this opportunity to thank my many friends and well-wishers on this site. Due to the technical problems with IE and using another entity's site at this hospital, I may not be able to communicate much longer. Since this isn't my system and I am really unsure of how to navigate the Aurora system and download Firefox, I am having a great deal of difficulty. So this may be my close to last time.

Now for the bad news:

Two DRs informed me that my chances of a positive resolution to this foot situation are between zero and none. Both are advocating amputation!!! The infectious disease DR says that if [by some miracle] the bone isn't infected AND the wound healed, he GUARANTEES that the foot would continue to collapse and would bring me back to the same or worse situation and ... be potentially fatal. The surgeon says he will wait for a special test tomorrow, but he is of the confirmed opinion that the foot MUST be amputated!!!!!!

I haven't stopped crying for more tnan 15 minutes since! I feel devastated. To think that this could have been prevented with more careful attention to the ever-sickening litany of "watch your sugars & exercise before it's too late!!!"

I am so sorry for the pessimism but I am lost in a sea of self pity. Please pray [if you are a believer] or send good cosmic thoughts to get me through this with any semblance of sanity! I may possibly tell them to stop all treatment and just let me go .............

I'm at St. Luke's Hospital again. North Bldg., Rm. F3246; 414-385-4366, if you dare!! lots of little laffs!!!!


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Cosmic HUG<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<</body>

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, Lois. HUGS from a distance.

Who wouldn’t be in sea of self pity & crying:( Cry all you need to, dahlin.

I don’t know what to say about the utterly devastating news. I do know that you’re a strong, beautiful, spirited woman who will come through this with your sanity intact.

All good thoughts surround you. Sending my love.

My heart breaks for you Lois. I just dont know what to say, other then I believe in miracles and hope. I will ask for both, for you my dear.
Thinking positive thoughts and sending them your way.

Hugs, Love Robyn

Sorry Lois for this setback in your life.

Your in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Thanks for all the hugs. I appreciate them and you all. I’ll try to keep a good attitude.while I make a decision.

I am so sorry Lois, I will keep you in my thoughts.

sending LOTS of hugs and prayers your way!! i do believe in miracles and the POWER of PRAYER!! please hold together what sanity you have left and stay strong!!
may God bless you!


Lois, I’m so sorry. We are all gathering around you with loving arms right now to give you some comfort, and we will not leave as long as you need us.

Oh, Lois. I am so sorry for your situation! I will pray for you. Please don’t give up HOPE!

Thanks again, guys and gals. I need the emotional “fix” more than once a day, so I have been checking more frequently!

Another DR confirmed the surgeon’s opinion of amputation … beow the knee.


Oh, no:((

Here’s a lot more cyber hugs and good thoughts:) Also, lots and lots of prayers!

My thoughts and prayers are with you!

Lois, I’m so sorry to read this. Sending you many many hugs from far far away!

Please keep us posted on how you are doing!

Hi Gang:

I will take the opportunity to thank you all. I’ve been checking regularly but am unable to answer if it’s not in my personal message center because I cannot download Firefox on the hospital’s system and the IE won’t let me respond on it. I’m not being uncommunicative, just hog-tied!


Many, many hugs! I’ve been thinking of you and I’m sorry it isn’t better news.

My prayers are with you and for all who suffer from this cross that way too many of us must bear. I'm also praying that your doctors, nurses and all those working to help you are on the top of their game in terms of skill, knowledge and compassion. You are not alone and I trust you are comforted in knowing that fact.