So I was doing a little research on this whole CGM business after three separate friends of mine and about 5 people on here told me that Deltec and Animas's units were close to production. I refused to believe that a company who had no trials and no interest in doing a CGM would tell their people to tell customers that it was within four months from public market.
Well, someone I know who is also a Minimed-er like me passed this info along to me after I told him how crazy I thought this was. He told me that he was navigating the Deltec site and saw that they were in fact promoting a CGM. The only problem was, it wasnt theirs. He said that when you click the CGM link from the Deltec page, it takes you here:
A good page, none the less, but aside from having grossly out dated info, it only had 4 CGMs on it - 2 minimed, 1 abbott, 1 dexcom. Then I saw the name - "Navigator." How could I not have put two and two together??? The CGM Deltec was promoting was the Abbott stand alone that has been in FDA approval for the last 2 years. I couldnt believe they had their own, and I was right. Sneaky sneaky Mr. Deltec rep.
Then I started looking around the Animas site, and realized the CGM they were promoting was the same one! I was kind of shocked, but not as shocked as when my main Animas guy tried to defend the two device system for a single patient. He said it was better because you wouldnt have to worry about losing both devices if one failed. I thought that was a good way to try to say that they are sorry they couldnt get them to work together. They have also posted a news release on Yahoo! business to the same degree as the Omnipod one, and this one could be integrated into the pump. I still dont think its a good idea to count on these two, especially having to deal with two companies, but its better than nothing in their case.
So, basically, if you want a CGM on a Cozmo or a 2020, you are going to have to wear two different devices or wait until at least 2010 (in Animas' case), 2012 if you want insurance coverage. That would make me really angry. Especially when I saw the actual sensor that Abbott was developing. Does anyone else think it looks like a zippo lighter on your arm? Thats really big! Plus a 10 hour start up time before you can get going? Ugh, that is way too long considering Medtronic and Dexcom are at 2 and 2-6 hours respectively.
Also, for kicks, here is Abbott's site - leaves a lot to the imaginiation, dont it?
Four months? That sounds like crazy talk. They dont even have a price for it yet!
EDIT: More unsettling news!!
Just thought this all was kind of interesting, and I this is my favorite new place to sound off.