How well does you meter average compare to actual A1C?

I have been on the Dexcom for about 3 months now and uploading my data onto my computer. I was wondering about the "pattern" screen and the glueclose average that you can select. I was looking at my 30/60/90 day averages and wondering if any of you have compared this to your doctor's A!C actual data. I am scheduled to go in this month and hoping I will see much imporeved A1Cs

I have compared the 30/60/90 day averages from the Dexcom and my A1C and the Dexcom average is generally lower than the EAG that the A1C would indicate. The last time I went in the 60 day average on the Dexcom was 109 my A1C was 6.0 if the dexcom average was truly correct then my A1C should have come back as 5.4-5.5 an A1C of 6.0 is indicative of an estimated average glucose of 126 so it's off by a bit more than 10%.

Wow....Those are impressive numbers Clare. You are my idol now :) I guess that 10% number is fairly consistent with what I see versus my One Touch meter.

You make me blush. Those numbers are a direct result of having a dexcom to refer to and and an omnipod to make adjustments quickly. In years past those numbers would have not impressed you at all, or might have impressed you with just how bad they were.
The improvement in blood sugar control has led to improvements in too many other aspects of my life to put down here. But just making that first step is huge. And sticking with it pays off. Good luck, I hope you reach yours goals.

Mine is crazy. I've figured out if I stay in the BG 50-70 range, THAT will get me a 6.0 A1C. I think the number is ridiculous in my case. And it's darn hard to function at those blood sugar levels anyway. I just don't believe in the A1C alot anymore and frankly do not worry about it. My sugars are good, I'm happy.

Thanks for sharing Clare. I have been using the Dexcom for one month now and I really love it compared to the Medtronics system I had previously. I am also starting the Omnipod this Monday and this is why I am dropping you a note.

I am looking at the various technologies for maintaining the combined data and did not know what you used? I realize you might be combining the data manually. I thought possibly you might be using a combined software solution. I did find a Dexcom to co-pilot conversion that allows the export form Dexcom to import into co-pilot. I know the OmniPod supports co-pilot.

Having been a diabetic since the 70's, there was a time my doctor (not current Dr) wanted my A1C to be over 7.5. More like 9 or 10 was thought to be good.

The the inability to test the blood sugar without a doctors office and a lab, then getting the results in no less than 2 or 3 days. Pretty useless by what I believe.

Hi David, I currently do not combine my data. I download the Dexcom to the Studio software and the Omnipod to the co-pilot. Someone here had written a program to import the data, but I could never get it to work properly on my computer. For now I'm ok with integrating the data myself but eventually I'll get one of my programming friends to do something for me. I hope your Pod start up goes well, I love the system.

Maybe a silly question, but couldn't you "adjust" the Dexcom higher? I would guess that if you did the calibration test with your regular meter, say at 80, then put it in on the Dexcom as if it read 100 then the Dexcom would test a bit higher and be closer to norm. I'm not a Dexcom user yet, so I'm just guessing at this point.

My Dexcom is consistently low by 15-20 points. Programmers were probably afraid someone might go low and die while using it, so they erred on the side of safety.

Yeah, in theory, but it can be a PIA and then there is the safety factor. I tend to just enter as is, and assume the Dexcom is high by 15.