I am a huge mess!

Hello fellow diabetics!!
I am new here and I feel so overwhelmed and so unable to cope!I will give you some backround..I am on an insulin pump,using novarapid.I have very high anxiety relating to hypoglycemia.I take 20mg of lexapro for anxiety but I don't feel it helps.I also go to therapy once a week.I am so afraid of low blood sugars that I keep my blood sugars higher than they should be.I feel anxious and down when I think about my future and the complications I will face.I am a binge eater.I know I sound like a hypocrite but I hate taking my insulin because of the weight issue.I am soo overweight and whenever I exercise I end up having to eat extra carbs or else I reduce my insulin and end up with ketones.I hate when diabetes forces me to eat..like when I amnt binging and have decided to eat healthily andI exercise and then I have to eat when I amnt hungry because of a hypo....I hate diabetes...I was thinking of trying weight watchers to lose weight but my friend who is studying nutrition said that I should cut my carbs to lose weight and she tols me about Dr.Bersteins low carb diet...but how would I exercise and lose weight without carbs....I am just really stresed out about this..I feel trapped.

Have you ever heard of diabulimia? It sounds like you may be experiencing that. I have in the past. I am also very afraid of the low and I have just recently discussed it with my doctor and I have just had to have faith. I have had faith and I’ve been ok. My blood sugars have improved greatly. Bernstein is very strict about the carbs which is ok for some but definatley way to restricted for me. I would see a diabetes nutritionist who knows exactly what to do for you and is probably covered by your insurance if ou have it. Good luck!

i know how you feel i have a big fear of dropping low but i look at it this way take one step and a time. one day at a time. making goals for yourself is a good thing but also don't get frustrated if things don't go the way you want them.

I’m new, too, and I’m not on a pump or even insulin yet, but my endo put me on a great new medication, Victoza. It helped me with weight loss, as well as my sugars. I find now that I eat when I’m hungry, and I don’t like to eat high fat stuff - most of the time- and so I feel better, which makes me want to exercise. I don’t know if you can take it if you are on insulin, but you might want to check it out. It’s expensive, though! A diabetic nutritionist is a great idea, too.

i do agree that a diabetic nutritionist would be the best thing for you . to give you guidelines to follow

what do you mean by "BS higher than they should be"? Once your BS are stable and lower, you don't drop so quickly and sharply. Maybe before going to a more extreme solution such as Bernstein, try cutting down on carbs a little. Certainly see a nutritionist.

I am a T1 and I take Victoza. It's been helpful in keeping both my appetite and my sugars in check.

I third or fourth the nutritionist idea - mine has been very helpful!

Also, I wonder whether a continuous glucose monitor might be a good tool for you? I have never tried one, and I don't really even know how they work but my impression is that it will tell you if you're dropping so as to give you an opportunity to correct before it becomes an issue. I was also very afraid of the hypos when I first started shooting up but I found great comfort in having a steady and constant supply of glucose tabs, liquids and gels.

You've come to the right place ... this site is absolutely jam-packed with folks who have 'been there, done that' and can offer terrific advice and support.

Take a breath. Calm down. I was misdiagnosed many years ago as a type 2. About six months ago, they rebranded me as LADA and I became insulin dependent . . . while I was in the hospital recovering from bypass surgery. Hate doctors. You can imagine my emotional state. I had to calm down, and get organized before I made any progress on my diabetes.

Just settle in. As a friend of mine put it, this is a marathon you’re running, not a sprint. You are going to be a diabetic for a long time, you have to manage your energy and your emotional resources as carefully as you manage your BG. Tackle problems one at a time. Read everything you can get your hands on. Take copious notes. Forget the horror stories. Most of us survive and thrive . . . with a little work. Good luck. You are not alone. It gets better.