Ah, it was so nice to test today. And my numbers were good too, which keeps me cheerful. 3 strips a day is not really as much as I’d like, but my levels are being pretty decent when I do test, and in a month or two I’ll go have an A1C and see where I’m falling on average. And see about additional insurance or something to get more strips.
I ran across a site today that recommended type two diabetics test once a week and then do a day where they check every couple of hours once, about once a month or something. I just blinked at it. At least can test enough to do better than that.
Had a nice bowl of tortilla chips and salsa and low fat sour cream - 20 bite sized ones are my portion, and i really load them up with far more salsa than I used to - a good half cup and a couple tablespoons of sour cream mixed in - more veggies, and more acid to slow digestion.
I was at my usual post work lower reading - 4.3, then ate the chips, and 45 min later when the rest of supper was done, 6.0, an hour after my chicken (skinless) and carrots, 5.5. AWESOME. Um, thats 77, 108, 99 for any americans who are passing by.
I don’t feel low til i hit about 3.9 (70), so I’m always happy with readings in the 4’s. And I’m very glad I’ve figured out a way to put salsa and chips back in my diet. I did miss them! And salsa should count as sort of a veggie, right? It’s the only way you’ll get me to eat peppers in any case.
Went on a nice walk (though far too hot) afterward too. I feel pretty good about the diabetes today - it was potluck at work and I was good and filled my plate with mostly veggies and fruit and protien (meatballs and cheese), only had tiny quarter servings of a brownie and a cheesecake thing (hey, I wasn’t perfect) and a whole wheat bun for carbs.
I completely deserved the 1/3 of puffed wheat square I had with my afternoon snack. And I have the rest tucked away for tommorow. Yum!