I want to donate 2 Pings, any advice?

I have had a Tandem X2 Basal IQ for a few months now so no longer need a backup pump. I want to donate two like new Animus Pings with several months supply of Medtronic Sofsets and Animus cartridges. I have donated my old pumps in the past to my good friend in Mexico that is a retired doctor and he got it to the right people. But he is no longer with us.
One would think this would not be difficult. But no health care professional in the US would get involved because of our liability laws.
I want to keep this anonymous. I have tried Doctors without Borders etc, to no avail. Any suggestions from the community?

None of the places I know of is taking any Animus stuff. You could try a pay if forward Group on Facebook in case there’s an Animas user who wants to stay with Animas as long as possible…

Thanks, I will check it out.

If anyone else knows of any Animus users, especially uninsured, let me know.


Make a post at Reddit diabetes group.