iPhone 12 & CGM

It will likely work. Just go to the apple store and install it on one of the floor models. It will work. You might need an employees help install the ap if it’s locked down.
I did this before I bought my 11.

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I got the 12-mini 6 months ago and had no trouble loading the Dexcom & CLARITY software. Was using the iPhone 8 to share with my spouse, and just had to send a new invitation to her phone for it to start receiving the data.

Thanks for the report on the iPhone 12. I believe my iPhone 8+ is the same size as the 12. I’m using it with the LibreLink app, and it works great. A few months ago, I had to replace my beloved iPhone 8+ because the NFC quit working. iPhone 8+ is only available in “refurbished”, so I ordered one from Amazon, and it’s very good. I’d been thinking of switching to the 12, but didn’t like the idea of the face recognition (not to mention the price), and I needed something fast that I was familiar with. Thought maybe I’d get an iPhone 12 next time, but now after reading about the experiences you and others had, I’m no longer interested in it. So thanks very much for sharing! :grinning:

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