Which medical supply company can handle your needs also depends upon whether they work with your insurance company. Dexcom had Byram contact me. But I was already working with CCS Medical who were providing me with Medicare paid supplies for my Tandem x2. So I said “no thanks” to Byram and had CCS Medical supply me with the initial Medicare-paid Dexcom CGM as well as subsequent supplies. It has worked alright since August. This is my first time working with a medical supply company and not directly with the manufacturers.
I have nothing against Edgepark but am pissed off by both Dexcom leaving a voicemail and then later telling me Edgepark was Medicare’s only distributor. I do recall hearing that US Med shipped 90 days of supplies to Medicare patients. Thanks for that.
I switched to Wellstart Medical because of this. never realized how much easier a 90 day order is. looks like they arent on the list but they told me they had the g6 or the libre
None of them can be fun to deal with…I personally like CCS Medical. Byram has been a massive headache the last several months. They did some massive overhaul to their computers and they were a mess. Supposedly it should be improving…