Low-carb "popcorn"

I just accidentally discovered that pumpkin seeds pop. I was roasting them and noticed a weird sound from another room and came into my kitchen to find they were popping away. I left them in the oven too long and so they ended up slighty burnt. But I added some nutritional yeast (I had roasted them in olive oil with a pinch of salt) and it makes a great low-carb substitution for popcorn. I will definitely be making this the next time I want to watch a movie and feel like some popcorn.


As a comparison:
20g of pumpkin seeds has 11g carbs

Skinny Pop popcorn has 9g carbs in a 20g single serving bag.

20g of air popped popcorn has 26g of carbs.


I guess it’s not that much lower in carbs, then. It just seemed like it would be.

Costco sells 28 snack size bags of Skinny Pop. 9 carbs, non-gmo. I’m happy with that unless I go to a movie theatre where buttered popcorn wins out :popcorn:

Amazon Subscribe and Save has 30 bags for $12.73 It’s hard to string that out a month!

Actually it is fairly low. 11g vs 26g is a nice saving!

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Why is the Skinny Pop popcorn so much lower (9g versus 26g)?

I have no idea. Must be the type of corn used.

I am hooked on Jolly Time Healthy Pop Kettle Corn Popcorn Mini Bags, 23 carbs per bag. So bolus worthy.