Magnesium Chloride

Okay. I’m going to point out that I’m NOT a doctor, not a nurse, not an allopathic or naturopathic doctor. But I do research for the medical field and for doctors.

I’m passing this information along because after having been misdiagnosed and diagnosed with many deadly illnesses along with being pre-diabetes, and after watching 2 people I love struggle with diabetes type 2, well, here’s the information: (magnesium helps control blood sugar) (magnesium improves insulin sensitivity) (oral magnesium reduces insulin resistance) (magnesium protects against diabetic neuropathy) (magnesium improved skin in diabetic rats) (magnesium reduces systemic inflammation, insulin resistance and the incidence of diabetes) (magnesium improves vascular function in diabetic patients - vascular is heart and blood) (eating almonds helps glycemic control) (low magnesium IS related to obesity and inflammation) (patients with D type ONE also have a propensity to low magnesium… do be careful with this article, as it talks about serum magnesium… ths important number is actually CELLULAR magnesium) (magnesium chloride supplements help obese women lose weight) ((Magnesium protects the skin in diabetic dysfunction) (magnesium may improve blood pressure) (magnesium improves heart health and hardening of arteries in diabetic patients) (magnesium is prescribed in gestational diabetes and in pre-eclampsia) (low magnesium is associated with insulin resistance) (nerve dysfunction and heart dysfunction caused by low magnesium)

Alright, I think you get the idea. BUT having posted all of the above, there are other medical studies to compliment these: I can post them for you later, as I’ve been researching for a while today just pulling up the links.

DO talk to your doctor before supplementing with magnesium.

Magnesium CHLORIDE is the most effective (most doctors are unaware of this) ALL other magnesium forms (other than magnesium sulfate) are very hard for the body to digest and very little effective.

You can purchase magnesium chloride over the counter or on-line. DO NOT get a magnesium chloride that has any other added vitamins or minerals as this binds the magnesium and it will serve only one function rather than many. Eg: Slow-mag (with calcium) will help osteoporosis but nothing else. E-bay and Amazon both have it for sale. It’s VERY inexpensive. CHEAP. Do NOT purchase magnesium oil on-line as they are selling a product you can make at home for about $.05 a gallon. (I can provide the how to’s on that if you want.)

Magnesium serves a MULTITUDE of functions in the human body, and is DIRECTLY linked to Diabetes, (most types of) Cancer, and Heart Attacks/Strokes. It is directly linked to ADHD (must be supplemented with b-complex vitamins) and gastrointestimal problems, with nausea in pregnancy, stomach upset, with all mood disorders (depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, anxiety, PTSD, etc), with gall bladder problems, with acid reflux (especially if you were ever or are on Nexium, Prilosec, etc. as these directly cause magnesium deficiency. It is linked with many eye diseases (glaucoma, retinities pigmentosa, cataracts, macular degeneration, etc.) and with muscle cramps, muscle twitching, nervous tics, Anxiety, Panic attacks, high blood pressure, high bad cholesterol levels and migraines among other things.

It’s as simple as adding one Magnesium Chloride pill after lunch and one after dinner. You may get diarrhea from taking it, as it also acts as a laxative but this diarrhea will also be clearing the liver of fatty deposits, and will clear your whole body of extra fat. Don’t worry about the diarrhea unless you have blood in the stool or pain due to the diarrhea.

Both of the people I have in my family who began to take magnesium have already had their blood sugars reduce significantly. It continues to reduce. BOTH have had an adjustment to their eating habits caused SOLELY by the magnesium and not by dieting efforts. One who is obese and could not stop eating, can now not eat more than a small meal 2 times daily, and is seeing stomach inflammation reduce dramatically, the other eats MORE (she ate only once daily and was too full) because the MgCl (magnesium chloride) improves digesion of food so it’s not sitting in the stomach. ALL aches and pains will go away. AS will migraines and headaches. BUT you may experience about 3 days of pains before they all go away (this is nerves reawakening) and/or headaches for about 3 days before you never experience those again.

You will experience taste buds changing, as healthy foods will taste INFINITELY better (even if you like them now, they’ll have a GREAT flavor as you take magnesium over a longer period of time) and you will experience a distaste for processed foods.

PROCESSED FOODS contain NO MAGNESIUM. All fruits and vegetables do, BUT it’s a vicious circle because once your body is short on magnesium it can’t digest any of the food you put in it. Which means you can’t break the magensium out of the food in order to replenish the magnesium in your body.


Don’t accept less from your doctor and INSIST. DO print off the information I’ve provided above and take it to your doctor.

Anyone who would like me to provide more specific medical articles for other diseases that are linked with magnesium deficiency, I’ll be happy to tailor all of the research specifically for you or your loved ones so that you can take the information to your doctor.

I forgot to add that you must be VERY careful to monitor your blood sugars as it WILL lower them and you may need to take orange juice or something sugary to raise them back again. And when you are at a normal level of glucose regularly, then you can talk with your doctor about getting off of insulin or pills for diabetes.

Oh! I also forgot. I hope that all of you pass this information along, because I’m SUPER tired of this information not being out there. My only wish is for people to be healthier and happier.

By the way, you do NOT have to diet in any other way than you do on magnesium and you’re SPECIFICALLY not to exercise (except for minimally if doctor required) in order to replenish the magnesium in your body. Exercise will deplete it, so until all the levels are brought up again, any exercise will put you back where you started. When you do exercise, make SURE you add an extra magnesium to replenish what you lost in exercise.

There is also a bathing option (easy and cheap) for any who would like to do that as a compliment to taking the pills or on it’s own. You can purchase a bag of magnesium chloride (used for ice melt… make SURE it’s 100% magnesium chloride) pellets/salts and add 3-4 cups to a full bath and bathe in it for 30-40 minutes in water as hot as you can stand it.

If you are following a low carb diet with things like nuts and green veggies in your diet, you should not have a magnesium deficiency. While true magnesium deficiency can be a problem, I am dubious that magnesium supplementation is going to do much at all to improve my diabetes. And I would caution everyone to please not go out an obtain industrial sources of magnesium chloride for health use, there is no control over potentially hazardous contaiminants.

The problem is that when the body is short on magnsium, it can’t fully digest the food that you put in it. Which means that no matter how much magnesium filled foods you put in the body, the magnesium can’t be broken out of the food through the digestive process. If you don’t jump start the system, you’re stuck on a bad circle. And all that research isn’t for nothing. Almost ALL diabetics were low magnesium. Those are MEDICAL studies. Not just guesses.

And I agree about the industrial sources, you can also ask for a prescription from your doctor. But magnesium chloride supplementation is also proven to be effective in helping a large number of problems.

Magnesium shots are also available, but many doctors (righly so) are reluctant to administer them because shots are more invasive… They ARE adminittered to stroke and heart attack patients immediately after the event to help the body heal from the immediate damage.

Magnesium in air form is admistered to any asthmatic emergency.

Magnesium is a major issue in many developed countries. And supplementation is a very valid way to correct deficiency in this case. Not in all, but again, it must be magnesium chloride, magnesium oxide is the most available form but it is berely digested by the human body.

I did want to clarify… if you meant industrial as in the pellets or salts, epsom salt is also industrial yet it is highly recommended for soaking for achy joints and as an additive to water for laxative effect. It’s also recommended for infections and wound healing.

Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate. The magnesium chloride is simply easier as the body converts all magnesium to magnesium chloride before it is put into the blood stream.

the larger industrial bag of magnesium chloride is far cheaper than the small bag of epsom salts which end up being used up in two or three baths.

what is the recommended dose per day?

Interesting info.

I read that magnesium chloride can effect thyroid supplementation, but not how. Do you know?

Where to purchase? What I found included other minerals, including dicalcium phosphate which I was told to never take. Any thoughts on the liquid form of magnesium chloride.

RDA is 300-400 mg. Talk with your doctor about amounts.

Magnesium excess is excreted in the urine. Like vitamin C. You need magnesium daily. I’m in the middle of realizing I’ve slimmed down a little more, and without dieting or exercise. It’s a really nice feeling to feel better.

The dose I and my friends all take is one 500 mg pill per meal twice a day, lunch and dinner, not breakfast. Anyone who has chronic health problems can help to rebuild stores of magnesium in the bones and around the heart by taking more than the RDA, but if healthy, only the RDA is needed. Again, talk to your doctor, or do some really heavy reserch before deciding on your own.

The recommended salts for baths is to add is 3 cups for a fairly healthful person and 4-6 cups for someone who has chronic health problems of any kind. Bathing for 40 minutes as often as daily or in response to any stressful event.

All of the people I know who are taking magnesium CHLORIDE (one took magnesium oxide and found no results) have experienced the following:

(friends by number)

  1. end of anger issues, loss of stomach bloating, lowering of blood sugars (she has diabetes) slowly and steadily, no more pain or diabetic neuropathy, nerves are coming back in her hands (this can be a little painful, but not as painful as the aches from diabetic neuropathy) more energy, mental clarity, and happiness (normal happiness, not manic happiness. Stress is still part of her life in a very significant way.) No longer suffers the extreme “grazing” where she could not stop eating. No longer needs thyroid supplementation or estrogen supplementation. After her first magnesium pill (within minutes) she was full, satiated and coulen’t eat additional food even in spite of years long habits of it. Has currently lost about 5 pouns after 3 weeks on the magnesium chloride. No more restless leg syndrome. (42 years old) 1 month on magnesium chloride pills

  2. daughter of friend was able to complete one full week of school for the first time this year (reported to me last week) lessening of severe panic attacks, she herself has experienced an ability to eat gluten foods, no more chronic digestion problems. (daughter 13, mom 45) 2 weeks on magnesium chloride pills

  3. lessening of depression (immediately, within 24 hours of taking the first bath.) (46 years old) two weeks on magnesium baths

  4. my mom has experienced a lowering of blood sugars (diabetic) but significant, so she had to lwssen the amount of pills she took. Also cleared away significant digestive problems, she no longer feels extremely full on one meal to the extent that she doesn’t eat the other 2 meals in a day. She now enjoys 3 meals and an emptying of her stomach. (73 years old) 2 weeks on magnesium pills

    Me: (follwed by a team of doctors while SOLELY on magnesium chloride) no more autonomic neuropathy, (similar to diabetic neuropathy on the nerves quit working in the organs causing organ failure and shut down or significant loss) my stomach has regained the ability to empty with the nerves operating the muscles again, my right leg has regained nerve function and I no longer walk with a heavy limp or gait of a disabled person. My vision has imptoved (doctor noted and followed) slowly and steadily, my skin has softened and I’ve lost acne. I no longer crave sugar as I used to, Mental clarity is wonderful. Mood is steady and for the most part happy, much less emotional as in the past. Allergies have reduced, histamine levels in my body have reduced, asthma is completely gone. Steady slow fat loss. Ability to digest food. and dairy (which I could not have before.) More energy. Better sleep. No more restless leg syndrome. reduction of scars. Strengthening of fingernails. No more significant hair loss. (46 years old) 5 months on magnesium pills AND daily taking baths (you may do both safely)

    my son. Asthma gone, weight loss. better mood, after SEVERE problems with math comprehension (in combination with b-complex sublingual) SOARING grade difference in schoolwork. Better attention and memory retention. No more “growing” pains. No more sore knees and hips from his big growth spurts. significant reduction of acne. elimination of eczema, reduction of scars (12 years old) 5 months on baths and magnesium pills (teacher is now recommending this to other parents as a help for ADHD and ADD along with talking to doctor)

  5. friend, lowering of blood pressure (was 200 over 120) slowly and steadily, but significantly. softening of skin, lessening of pessimism and anger. Happier and better able to focus (82 years old) 2 months on baths, adding in the last 2 weeks pills.

  6. help in balancing bi-polarism, with extreme black moods no longer happening, more laughter, more happiness, but not manic. Better able to digest foods and no longer has to take fiber for colon health. Has also cut down drastically on alcohol and cigarrettes due to feeling calmer and less need for calming effects of cigarettes and alcohol. More involved in his children’s lives. (54 years old) 2 weeks on magnesium pills

  7. no longer experiencing depression and gradual loss of weight. No longer experiencing pain from the heel replacement in her foot. was unable to sleep in the past, more than 2 hours for several years. Per day. Now sleeping a full, restful healthy sleep of 8 hours without a sleeping pill. (46 years old) Magnesium baths for one month, added magnesium pills 2 weeks ago.

    All who take pills are taking 2 pills daily, one following lunch, one following dinner, each pill being 500 mg. Magnesium Chloride with the exception of my mom who had to cut the pills in half and take one-half after lunch and one-half after dinner due to lowering blood sugars too fast. Bath amounts vary, those with chronic illness are taking 4 cups, when I catch a cold or flu or have a bad day, I take 6 cups, most others take 3.

It’s my understanding that magnesium can affect thryoid medication, too. Talk with your doctor, because I also understand that it can be taken at opposite ends of the day of the thyroid medication and not interfere in the thyroid medication’s effectiveness. This would all depend on which supplement you’re taking which is why it’s advised to talk first with your doctor.

One of magnesium’s roles is also to balance hormones in the body, so in this case, the thyroid function (as for diabetes) would have to be closely monitored so that there isn’t too much or too little thyroid hormone in the body. Either with a supplement to increase the thryoid or to lower the thyroid. If there are changes that bring about improvement, it should be discussed whether changing the supplement or medication is an option.

liquid magnesium chloride is great for spraying on aches and pains. It tastes like sea water and smells like a fish bowl. (hard to get down that way, but possible.) It’s also VERY expensive. It’s aka is magnesium oil. If you choose to use the liquid form, I’d buy the bag of salts and then mix 2/3 cup of salts with 1/2 gallon of distilled water. It will cost you $.50 for a gallon vs. the $100 per gallon on-line.
if you’re going to drink it, recommended is 1/4 cup per day after the heaviest meal or spread out over two meals.

I get my pills on using the search engine with magnesium chloride. The pills that show up at the top are 500 mg.

They can be purchased in many health food stores, but I haven’t found them at GNC or Walmart, or Walgreens. They are sold at vitamin shoppe. Anyone else who is able to find them, feel free to share!

Thanks for the info. My doctor doesn’t know anything about how magnesium supplements effect thyroid. Not surprising.

Alta Health carried by The Vitamin Shoppe has dicalcium phosphate, a cheap binder. I was told never to take anything with di or tricalcium phosphate because it’s a form that the body can’t utlilize or excrete. It ends up arteries, so risky. FYI-- Swanson Vitamins has a better price. They’re cheaper on most items & have great service.

The liquid form has nothing added, but I’m confused about dosing. Tablets are 520 mg with 62.17 mg being “elemental magnesium.” Liquid has 66.5 mg per 1/2 tsp dose. Doesn’t specify elemental. So, are these comparable potentcies?

I have not read the responses yet… But I do think you are on to something. People should have their magnesium levels checked when they have their labs done.

I take 2/day, come to find out I was deficient. My Endo also suggested that I soak every now & then in epsom salt which is magnesium. Our bodies absorb it thru the soaks.

Not all pills/supplements are digested properly so people need to be followed up on their lab draws. Certain brands are better than others. Kal is a good one.

Magnesium helps maintain muscle and helps to prevent muscle loss, aiding in weight gain. Just another bonus.

I agree that it helps with many things…but there are limits. Magnesium can not help people do math or suddenly complete a week of school, seems like a bit of a stretch there.
Good subject to introduce here!

Passing it along - When you mentioned “baths”…were you talking about epsom soaks? (inverse relationship between levels of depression and anxiety vs levels of magnesium … i.e. the lower the magnesium the higher the depression rates and anxiety) (magnesium and B6 supplementation leads to SIGNIFICANT improvement for those who suffer ADHD) (Magne B6 supplementation reduces hyperactivity in children) (neurological disturbances in children with lower levels of magnesium corrected with Magne B6) (magnesium and B6 improves nervous excitability and hyperactivity in children) (magnesium improves ALL depression… this include postpartum blues)
… there are several medical articles about magnesium treating depression also. anyone wishing me to post them, just let me know. (magnesium treates bipolar disorder… has the highly similar properties to lithium.) this is a MOOD disorder, like depression, anxiety, ptsd etc. (RAPID recovery from mood disorders, drug use and alcoholism with magnesium supplementation … this study actually recommends it be added to drinking water in cities)

there are over 5000 pages regarding magnesium and its effect on the WHOLE human body in recognized medical journals. . It affects NERVES and the brain functions on nerve impulses, it affects muscles and yes, it absolutely stops muscle wasting and muscle loss, it also burns fat. it affects the entire digestive system. It affects the heart, skeletal strength and it is part of DNA and RNA replication, so yes, Magnesium has an effect on the WHOLE body. Not just a few things.

You are very clever to do your research!

My son and I take the liquid form of magnesium chloride. We each drink 1/4 CUP per day. AND drink a full two glasses of water every day because it seems to make a distinct difference in how it works. The water is the same for the pill form too.

I suspect that there is a difference between liquid vs. pill form. I can only suspect however. Because I haven’t found research clarifying the difference between them. I do know that in medical journals, it states “oral” supplementaiton improves most patients. Most doctors who prescribe it, use the pill form. There seems to be a distinction that liquid is used for injection or IV purposes such as heart attacks, lowering blood pressure, pre-eclampsia and severe magensium deficiency caused by chemotherapy, and other treatments.

The liquid has worked fine for my son and I. The pill option has worked fine for the people I know taking it. If you find more answers on the differences, I’d sure love to know! :slight_smile:

I’ve read directly on the thyroid medications that magnesium is not to be taken with it. would you mind sharing which medication you use? i would be happy to do some more research on that particular medication. Or if you prefer not to share, you may also do research on it. Just plug away at the computer and look up side-effects and the effect of supplementation on that particular medication. :slight_smile:

baths can be taken with magnesium chloride or with epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) but there is a major difference in the effect. The magnesium chloride acts on the body in a much shorter time period. The sulfate (epsom salt) form is AS effective, it just takes a lot longer to see results.

The human body converts all magnesium into magnesium chloride. The sulfate form is the easiest one to convert and all others are extremely hard to break down and usually go through the entire digestive system and excreted before it can be converted.

epsom salts are used in air form for asthmatics in a severe attack in the emergency room. MgCl is used directly after heart attacks or strokes.

my son and I both have ADHD. It certainly affects the ability to concentrate and to remember things. ABSOLUTELY there was an improvement in his math and in my ability to focus on tasks. He could remember the previous days’ lesson and apply it, vs. constantly having to reteach him the same lessons over and over. You’d have to see it to understand. And this was absolutely noted by the supervising teacher in charge of his improvment and learning. My son is on nothing else. He takes B vitamins and magnesium chloride. Without it, there is a DISTINCT and IMMEDIATE mood change, and EVERYONE immediately recognizes his need for taking it. It’s that easy to see the difference.

In me too. Mine also shows physically in muscle twitching and fatigue. But I have enough b-vitamins in the body, my problem is solely magnesium deficiency. Do realize that my PTSD, anxiety and depression were all tracked by medical doctors. ALL noted an immediate improvement after one week. This was followed by a psychiatrist, a gastro-enterologist, an immunologist, an allergist, and opthamologist and a neurologist. The deficiency was caught by the allergist. My body was so depleted that it was life-threatening. I’d been on a number of medications over 2 years which were not working. Magnesium worked THAT fast.