Missy needs our help -- again!

This is has been an unbelievably bad weekend for Missy. On Saturday night her step-father succumbed to pancreatic cancer that had spread to his liver and lungs. Apparently, much of the family knew except for Missy, Lilly and Peter. They told Missy maybe a week ago. Missy was with him when he passed on. Everyone else was asleep. When Missy is under stress, her BG plummets. While she was communicating with me she indicated she felt faint. 10 minutes later her sister picks up the phone to tell me Missy is sprawled on the living room floor. I tell her what I know. Missy is having a serious low. Her meter read "LO" -- I talked Lilly through finding glucose tabs, smashing them up, getting them into Missy's mouth the melt and to call 9-1-1.

She couldn't wake anyone. There was a great deal of family drama and Missy got caught in the middle of it. As a result, her mother is frankly being vicious. We were very close to losing Missy on early Sunday morning.

Now here's where we need the help: John and Missy's brother Z were on the way from mom's to John's house when they suffered a very serious car accident. Z has some broken bones but is otherwise okay.

John is not. John went through the windshield. He has internal bleeding that they have not been able to stop. They have called Missy to the hopital now. We've done this before, I hope we can do this again. Will you please all spare a moment for Missy and send good thoughts and prayers her way.

Thank you for your time and energy. Our John S needs our help deperately.

Thank you all for all that you do!


Oh Pete thanks for telling us. I knew about the stepfather, but to add this accident is beyond comprehension. I will also be holding everyone close.

Oh no!!! I will pray for John and Missy!! So sorry to hear that.

Strong Wellness thoughts their way…wow, unbelievable what life brings. xo

So sorry, way too much tragedy. My best to Missy and her family.

I will lift Missy and her family up in prayer.

Prayers to all of the family and sorry for their loss may all be blessed in what ever comes their way.

Thank you all. John is in surgery now. They are still trying to locate the internal bleeding. This community amazes me every time I turn around. Such a blessing to have you all here.

Sending all positive & healing thoughts to John & Missy. My heart is with them.

We can do it again.

Positive energy heading their way. Stay strong

My prayers and good thoughts are with Missy and John. They have certainly had more than their share of bad events happen to them and their family.

I’m in SF and they are in Rockford, IL. This distance thing makes it very hard. Luckily, we are all text message fiends. Looks like I’m going to set another text per month record. Not the way I wanted to get into the Guiness Book of World Records.

You know anyone who works for an airline they can get you hook ups. A year ago I could of helped but thanks to Delta downsizing I had to switch jobs

John is back in surgery in another attempt to stop the internal bleeding. I’m in contact with Missy directly (via text) now. I thought for a moment she might be a bit mad at me for not coming clean about the accident last night.

Thank you so much for keeping John in your thoughts and in your prayers. He’s a good man and he loves Missy so very deeply as she loves him. Please let that be enough to get them through this.

Poor John. He loves Missy so and she him! Let’s keep best thoughts for him noe {{{ Huggs}}} for him.

I don’t have any contacts at the airlines. That was a really good idea. The DHL planes aren’t nearly as comfy as Delta.

SFO was the last place I made it to before Delta started playing with our benefits. Fell in love with the city.

I’m glad you liked it here. It’s a very cool place to live. It ain’t cheap but that’s the cost of having things “handy” – I don’t have a car any longer.

Oh my!

I knew about Missy Father and that he passed on early Sun morning from FB but I didn’t know about the rest of this!

I am sending John (and Missy) all the health and healing I have! I am relatively close to Rockford since I am Chicago. My psychic healing has farther to go! :slight_smile:

Missy, hang in there girl! We will open up a big lemonade stand!

I am lifting Missy and John up in prayer!