More Bad News

We just found out yesterday that my daughter has lost her unemployment, it has something to do with the fact that she got a 1099 instead of a W-2. That was the only money we had coming in and now the money that she did get she will probably have to pay back. If anything could get any worse, I would hate to see what it is. We did get some food stamps, and I have an appt to see if the VA Service Commission will take care of my rent, then tomorrow I have to go see about getting Conventional Housing, we have to move, with no money coming in we can’t stay here. Then to make matters worse, my ex called and started yelling at me about some money he owes the Lucas County Clerk of Courts from our divorce 9 years ago. Wanted me to call and find out what it was all about, I tried to tell him since my name was not on it, they would not tell me anything. I tried to explain to him that I have a lot on my plate and then I got sarcastic and said “SO WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU?” That set off a load of fire works. I was all over myself…the thoughts running through my head were well let’s just say I was ready to cash in my chips and leave. Then I fell and cracked my knee cap on the floor, pretty bruised up and swelled, the doc at the ER said it was just badly bruised, so that was a good thing. “WHEN WILL IT EVER END???”

Beth… sorry to hear about all this stress. Sending positive thoughts in your direction.

You might approach local community outreach programs. We’ve got one in our community that will pay your rent once in a 12-month period. Or we have several local church programs who provide assistance for rent. Until the VA comes through, those might be interim assistance sources.

I wish I could sing a song and everything would be better but unfortunetly, it doesn’t happen like that. I left you a message on your page. I know what you are going thru, I was without nothing too, that was 11 years ago. Keeping you in my heart and prayers, you hitted a real delicate spot in my heart with this cause I was there before. Real bad memories, but gave me more strenght to carry on. All my love and soul to you. Patti Lopez

My heart and prayers go out to you!