is 175.... its never been under the 200's EVER!
Good job! We take every day one step at a time and over time all those little improvements can turn our lives around!
That's a great accomplishment!! *APPLAUSE*!!!
Well done! Hope you celebrated ;)
my concern is the weight gain with this though! :( I have gained 6 lbs which scares me to death. I am trying to watch what i eat as I realize now that my sugars are better I am not spilling sugar and calories so i have to be careful. i also started to exercise. but as a former diabulemic, im scared that this may push me back over the edge
thank you everyone for your postive reinforcement... i really need the support, more than you really keeps me headed in the right direction and i really like what you said bsc its so true!
i went to my diabetes nurse today and hooked my pump up to the computer. When i first started with it my blood sugars were in range only 19% of the time. This week my sugars with in range 58% of the time. I know its still not great but i am definately headed in the right direction. My blood sugar today at lunch was 111 and tonight before dinner was 95. I went to the gym which is new to me so Im experimenting. I ate 56 carbs before i went to workout which called for 2.10 units but since I was working out I only took 1.10. When I left the gym my sugar was only 65. I was shaky, hungry etc... I came home ate dinner and Im making cookies and brownies for the local firemen. I just couldnt help it. I snuck a brownie and I want another one! Thats what happens when you work out, you get hungry AND your low YOU GET HUNGRY! urgh....
send me good vibes people!
Wow! That's a great result on the %age in range too. You should get whatever gizmo hooks your pump up to the computer? I always check mine before I send them in, so I can "role play" the screwups with the voices in my head. I like to workout with chocolate in my mouth too, so maybe you should save a couple of brownies for yourself? The firemen will appreciate not having to come rescue you at the health club...
Sometimes too, if I notice some weight gain, I'll get the pump/ computer thing and see what times it's running low and cut my basal back just a click, like .05U/ hour and see if that helps get rid of the lows and "emergency brownies"? Just a thought...
thanks acid rock! i did look and it is at the same time that i am 75 all the time.. i think i will cut my basal back.. im so upset about gaining this weight. i want to catch it before it turns to real WEIGHT.. im hoping its just temporary water right now! urhg... 10 lbs in one week!
I like to sort of break basals down into diffferent times? Mine are pretty flat but I have boosts in the middle of the night, or right before dawn, to "fix" dawn phenomenon and then I also have another slight bump in the evening when I work out less and eat more. The MiniMed "Care Link" can be useful to sort of "step" back and say "woah, I'm going low after lunch every day and maybe try cutting back just a shade from 10:00 AM until 4:00 pm or 10 til 2 or whenever? One of the charts will show where it goes by meal. This may not be totally accurate but can at least give you a different perspective from which to identify trends? Good luck!
i have been consistantly low all over the place actually so i just changed all of my basal rates by .25 i will let you know how that goes. im real new to all of this. i also changed my insulin to carb ratio last week. i was 1:20 now im 1:25. this is all so new to me and confusing. Im really glad that i posted my little issue here and that you posted a real solution. its hard when i talk to my non diabetic friends and they have no idea what im going through. they cant offer any solutions of course cuase they dont knw what im talking about so it was just so nice to come here and see that there was some REAL advice... thanks acid rock. im excited to see what happens! xo
I usually nudge mine if .05U/ hour adjustment increments, w/ .85U/ hour the usual dose. .25 might make it "swing" a bit more than could be pleasant? I will see a 40 mg/dl swing from that little adjustment.
oy! i will test a bit more and see what happens. i am all so new to this! urgh...FRUSTRATED! THANKS!
ok! my 7 day average continues to drop and with that so does my 14 day average and so on and so on..
my 7 day average is 142 and 14 is 196. i know for some of you that may be high but for me anything under 200 is great... last month my average bs was 300 so this is a great accomplishment for me and i cant wait til i can look back and these numbers will not be so good! my concern now is my 10lbs weigh gain =( im not going to let that get to me so that i go back the my old way of peeing out my calories... diabulimia has been a problem with me in the past for years but i wont do it anymore.... please send me good vibes... happy thanksgiving everyone!
That is a great accomplishment! If you were underweight from "peeing out my calories" gaining 10 lbs will be no big deal at all. The numbers goals are great but I hope that you can feel an improvement in how you feel, if that makes sense?
i do feel better and have been sleeping better too... i didnt need to gain weight.. i was perfect where i was finally so im getting worried. its actually 12 lbs that i gained. i already changed my insulin to carb ratio from 1:20 to 1:25 but i think i need to change it again. i keep getting lows. i already changed my basal to. thats how out of control i was. im seeing my nurse next week. im going to change my ratio to 1:30 today and see how it goes. I know im counting my carbs correctly. I am very very insulin sensitive when my sugars are good so maybe this is a good thing. i just have to get it in control before i gain to much weight and go back to just peeing out the calories and controling my weight that way :(