I am typing this on the plane as I fly back from my first Diabetes Hands Foundation Board Meeting. I am so energized and excited from all that transpired at the meeting and thinking about all that lies ahead for the Diabetes Hands Foundation and the community touched by diabetes that it serves.
First, I can verify first hand that Manny, Adriena, and the Emilys are all real live people and just not screen animation. Of course I realize your faith in that statement relies heavily on whether you believe I am a real live person too.
I also met the rest of the Board - WOW - a smart, passionate, energized group. And the Board is still growing!
I encourage you all to take some time to go to the Diabetes Hands Foundation site and read more about the programs. I was particularly interested in what I learned both about the Diabetes Advocates and Diabetes Seeds programs. Really good stuff!
I think it's important for all of us to know that what Manny and his team are doing reaches far beyond the TuDiabetes and EsTuDiabetes Communities. With the support of everyone in these communities, both in spirit and financial support, Diabetes Hands Foundation can do so much in connecting those with diabetes in order to better our lives with diabetes. The possibility for this lies in our hands. I am proud to be a part of this community. I have met outstanding people here and I believe that as a community we can have tremendous impact. Together we can work with Diabetes Hands Foundation to significantly improve the quality of our lives through innovative programing and outlets for the sharing of thoughts and ideas.
So, please - take some time to wander around the Diabetes Hands Foundation website. And, if I can help answer questions or get you any information, please let me know.
Finally, as many of you already know, the American Diabetes Association annual meeting will be held in June in Philadelphia this year. I plan to be there and I know Manny and his whole team will be there as well as the Board. I think it would be great if we could get a showing from this community. I know some of you from the PA group have already tossed that idea around a bit. If we know in advance people will be there, we can commit to something large and memorable for the event to really be seen as the solid community we are.
-- Donna