My " friend "

For 2 weeks I have been wakeing up in the 20s, 30s and 40s. Well my " friend " wanted me to spend the night last week and so i asked my mom. My mom had said no because of the lows i was haveing at night, and i understood. I txted my friend and told her i could not. Well she got mad at me, Then yesterday she wanted me to come over so i asked my mom. My mom said no because that night they were going to come over to my house and eat dinner. I texted her saying that and she got mad… again, if she was a good friend she would understand.

Your friend sounds immature and self-centered. Take good care of yourself.

Sweetie, can you sit and talk to your friend and explain the concern of your Mom, if you go low, they may not know how to help you. And I am sure your Moms low an worry for you, because its about her talking care of you and not feeling comfortable with someone else doing it.
Maybe your friend would better understand if you explained the hole story, not just that your Mom got mad.

Are you eating right, maybe a little more carbie snack before bed might help. Or adjusting your Insulin.

Its so hard when your young, and friends being young. I was in your place when I got the Diabetes at 16yrs old.

I hope things work out for you:)

Anna, sorry your friend is having a hard time understanding. It makes you frustrated & she’s probably frustrated too, because she just wants to hang out. I think she’ll start to catch on to the “rules.” Tell her you can still text or skype if you do that – and you’re still spending time together that way. And then you & your mom can work on getting your wake-up numbers higher.

My stepdaughter is 17 and I hear a lot of the same stuff about her friends, how they get all ticked off at her for really ridiculous things, and especially they get mad at her for things she can’t do anything about, like me saying “No you can’t go out with them because… [whatever reason].” It’s stupid! but it’s how teenagers, especially girls, are sometimes. PARTICULARLY when they don’t have any reason to be anything other than self-absorbed. Which basically means, she isn’t going to understand because she doesn’t have the same problems you do. It’s just the way it is. But just keep remembering, this stage of your life will pass, and there are plenty of people out there who DO understand what you live with every day.

Having your child waking up that low is very, very frightening. Put yourself in your mother’s shoes: just the idea of you going that low is scary enough, and then she has to think about what might happen if you went that low and there is no one nearby who knows what to do! Yeah, that would sure be enough to give ME a panic attack, I’ll tell you that much! If your friend doesn’t understand what these lows mean, maybe you should tell her. No joke: going that low is nothing to fool around with, and that’s what this is about, so maybe if she understands that, and recognizes where your mother is coming from, then maybe she’ll change her tune.

Or, maybe she won’t. My stepdaughter’s friends can be unbelievably selfish sometimes. But, if she’s not willing to listen, or to understand that this is a life&death situation, well… that says something about her friendship, and maybe you’re better off without her.

Sorry. That hurts! You’re right that if she was a true friend she’d understand that it’s not because you don’t want to be with her. Does she know about lows? Some people get pissy because they don’t handle disappointment well. She’s self-absorbed.