Tough conversations

So recently i’ve really been thinking about the way that i deal with my emotions and actions while im having a high or low blood sugar. I know that i don’t have much control over what my body does in reaction to a severe high or low blood sugar, and thankfully i haven’t had to deal with many so far. What im more concerned about is the way that other people react to my own reaction. My mother for instance has a very hard time staying calm and reasonable when i tell her im having a high or low blood sugar. The one time that my blood sugar fell dangerously low during the night and i went into her room to let her know, i thought she was going to have a break down. I know that she is only trying to look out for my best interest and i love her for that, but that is not the kind of reaction that i need when i can’t function properly. I don’t really know how to confront her about this, and i can’t see asking her to just not freak out. Anybody else find it upsetting when the one person you are relying on to assist you can’t find it in them to stay calm? Any tips? It’s really bothering me…

Good question Allana. I have the same issue with my husband.

One thing that I think helps is to tell her what she CAN do to help you. When I’m really low, I tell my husband and I either ask him to bring me something to treat it OR tell him to check on me in about 15 minutes. He still freaks out, but at least then he knows that the reason that I told him is so that he can help.

Perhaps suggest to your mother what she can do to help. Like reminding you to check again later.

If you start the conversation about HOW she can help you when you are low and high, then it might be easier to say that freaking out doesn’t help. Also, make sure that she knows that highs and lows are part of life with diabetes and that they will happen. But that you are OK!! So she just needs to help, not freak out.

Wow. Wise words!

She probably panicked because she didn’t know what to do. Teach her.

You could approach your mom not by telling her what you DON"T want but what you DO want.

First tell her you appreciate that she’s there for you and that she has always been a calm, steady, rock solid presence. (Even if she hasn’t.) This is the ‘set up.’

Then tell her that when you are experiencing a low you need to get some sugar right away and tell her what she can give and where it is. e.g. orange juice, okay. Diet soda, not okay. Glucose tabs, good, chocolate bar, not so good.

Finally, tell her that if you say you are experiencing a low there is nothing to get excited about. The fact that you can talk and ask for help is a GOOD thing. All she has to do is get you some sugar and the rest will take care of itself. No phone calls, no questions, just sugar. Period. End of story. Thank you. Love you.

Calm, cool, “I’m counting on you” approach. Tell her what you want her to do, not what you don’t want her to do. I think she’ll catch on.

Like Kristin says.

Do we have the same mom!!!

Like Kristen and Terry have said, talk to her when you are not having a high/low episode. Let her know then what you need from her. Yes, she will probably still freak out a little, but hopefully will have a better idea on how to help you if you need it.