New Grandbaby's Due Date now!

This is to everybody outhere. I just got a phone call a minute ago and now we know when the New grandbaby’s due date is! 20 days after my birthday! It’s due April 25th, My birthday’s the 5th and I just got threw informing my daughter she was gonna have it 20 days early! Anyone who has talked to me or read my profile ( I think knows how much I’ve braged on my Type 1 daughter already having 1 granddaughter for us and now she’s prego again and by our caculations we were 1 month early on it! So sorry that I put that down in my answers but now we know the EXACT DATE. OK grandmother over flowing right now!!! I’m a type 1 and so is my daughter, I got threw 2 17 months apart and know she’s gonna have 2, 18 months apart!

Congratulations to you and your daughter!! :0)

Thank you SOOOO much from both of us!

THANK YOU (taking a bow). Hey I got her here now it’s her turn! HA! Like I said I’m just so proud!!!

Congrats to both of you! My sis n’ law is busy building me a new nephew or niece at the moment. I am super excited. Her babies will be about 21 months apart. New babies are such fun!

Yes they are! I hadn’t had a baby around me since my youngest was a baby til my 1st granddaughter ( not spending the night anyway) and that was 17 years. Now I’m just about used to it again! HA!