Hello out there! I am so glad to have found this! I have had diabetes for 16 years and have been pumping for about 12 years. I am excited to connect with others who have to deal with the every day frustrations and not feel so alone! My most recent issue is that my Animas 2020 pump has been leaking for about 3 weeks. I have been around and around with the support people, and I am just now getting a replacement! Hopefully it will come in today!
Well, I guess I will just lurk around and see what everyone is up to this morning. I am working, technically, but I look like I am working when I am on the computer!! One of the benefits of being at the library on a Saturday!
Welcome! I know what you mean by being alone and not be able to share your frustrations, etc. with someone who is going through the same things. I hope you find some good information and some good friendships!
By the way, “lurking” isn’t allowed here!!! :-)!! We expect to hear from you every day!! (not really, just being bossy!) I’ve tried lurking but I’m afraid it didn’t work for me. I found myself putting my 2 cents worth in anyway. Can’t help but gab!! )
To see if we have much in common, please feel free to go to my site and read my profile. We may be “sisters” after all.
So glad to see a new face in these parts! Welcome, Jana.
I hope your new pump is on its way and you’ll be back up and running shortly. There’s nothing more frustrating than technology ruining your day! You certainly have enough on your plate day in and day out. Hang in there.
The TuDiabetes family will never disappoint in support and knowledge, that’s for sure. Hopefully it was an exciting morning for you on the site and you didn’t have to get back to work too quickly! LOL!