Medicare will not even consider covering the CGMS right now for anyone regardless of medical necessity statements. I am paying out of the pocket for mine.
The Medtronic folks are definitely talking about it, on all three levels that I’ve dealt with over the last week for my switch back from the OmniPod system. I think they’re telling people in an attempt to keep them using mm products. They’re very excited about it too. I should have been listening more closely. The OmniPod system is junk! I should have waited it out… Tubeless is really cool, but that’s all OmniPod had going for it…
After my Pod experiences of the last two months, I’m waiting for 2nd generation mm pods. Well, I really have no choice do I? I’m upgrading to the 515 and my insurance won’t cover another upgrade until the warranty is up
I hope that Minimed doesn’t move to a pod only system. Some of us don’t mind having the pump attached to us by tubing and having it clipped to our clothing. Unless the pod ia at least 1/2 the size of an OmniPod, I’m not interested.
I was told by a MM nurse that they’re looking to integrate the infusion set & sensor so you only have one thing attached at a time. Since they say the sensor should be at least 3" from an infusion site, I’m not sure how they’d do it.
They ARE NOT moving to only pods. I specifically asked about this at the CWD conference. It will be another option along with the Paradigm system.
Why are you switching to the minimed? Are you not happy with the Cozmo?
That was one of the main problems I had with the OmniPod system. The PDM was fine, it was all the “FRICKIN’” pods that had to be tossed out. That’s why I’m saying I’ll wait for the 2nd generation… Let them work the bugs out first. You don’t buy the first model year of a car, do you??? Well, this is your life you’re talking about here, you can’t just take it back to the dealership… Although I, too, trust Medtronic’s products more than any other. Except for that whole BD glucose monitor wireless to the 512. The BD monitors aren’t all that accurate by my experience. But, that was plenty easy to work around. Anyone know the accuracy rating on the rc One Touch system??? How does it match up with your lab results?
And, I had very few kinked cannula’s. Only when I got extremely lean (about 8% bodyfat), did I have those issues. I am going to try different infusion sets going forward. See if that minimizes my issues… Don’t have and don’t care to try out the CGM, so I can’t discuss…
Medtronic is going to try to make cannulas separate from the Pod. The one touch matched my labs pretty acurately but you also have to think it is going to average in all the highs as well even if you are high only for a short amount of time. My A1c’s have actually been less than what my meter average says.
you have a link? can you list the link on here?
I was with Minimed for 8 years - only ever had one kinked cannula. I just switched to a Cozmo last week b/c my warranty was up and I wanted to try something different and new. I, too, am waiting for the pod size to go down and for the accuracy rate to improve before I jump on board with Insulet. I agree that Minimed makes very reliable products.
Let’s not shoot the messenger here. Medtronic has indeed made such public claims, but does not yet have a prototype to show for it. See below. You’re all correct. It won’t be this year, and yes, they are developing it and have announced it!
Exhibit A: “Medtronic, the No. 1 pump maker, earlier this month said it would boost investment in its own diabetes franchise with the goal of having a tubeless insulin patch on the market by 2010…A Medtronic spokesman said the company plans to diversify its product line and is developing a disposable insulin pump that is smaller and simpler to use which it will offer alongside its durable pump.”
If Cody’s CDE had this information and gave it out, that CDE is simply on top of the technological trends - part of the job. But they can’t control the FDA, the marketing, or the release of an item. My educator told me about Abbott’s plans for a competing CGMS (now the popular Navigator) long before it had passed through the FDA approval process. I’ve been holding out for a Navigator because I like Abbott and have been awaiting its arrival to market for a few years now.
Minimed Reps are notorious for talking up products that are “scheduled for release soon.” People were awaiting the arrival of the MM Real Time system long in advance of it’s release date. And the Reps WERE talking about it and it’s imminent release. We heard about it when she was 8; it was released about a year later in its more primitive form. Since you seem to have found a talkative Rep, would you mind asking her if this new pump will have a smaller guage introducer needle such as the Dexcom employs? We have a child on the Paradigm with sensors. We have to use Lidocaine cream for a good hour and a half, she still feels it somewhat, often is sore after the EMLA wears off. We must have hit a nerve last time we inserted, had to take it out within the hour. She is now off sensor and gun shy. We need to use it. Since MM is the only company insurance will cover for children 7 and up and since there are toddlers on their sensors, I think MM should be interested in making the sensors pain-free for kids. I have asked but I don’t hear a peep. Thanks much! I will be watching this thread.
I chose the Omnipod over the Minimed based on research and the “tubeless” technology. My insurance thankfully covers either/or. I’m currently practicing with saline - day two. I’ve read pros and cons of the Omnipod. The Medtronic rep I dealt with was great, said they are also working on a tubeless pump but had no firm dates in the near future even after I told her my final decision was down to that factor. Since they are “sales” reps I would think she would have let me know if there was a promise of the product within a year or so.
That said, I’m totally new to the Pod. It seems comfortable, no irritation, I’ve even forgotten it’s there several times. The nurse that trained me was very good, informed and accessible (cell phone, email, available). My doctor had concerns about that since Omnipod is relatively new in California and she hasn’t dealt with the product. I plan to start live on insulin on Tuesday and I am really excited to get my A1c down.
I do think people are kidding themselves if they think the pump/pod is going to do all the work for them. You still have to stay on top of everything and pay attention. It’s all about control and information. Omnipod had joined with a company to also offer a CGM device and they are in development for a pod with a smaller profile and possibly a flexible feel. This is information the nurse gave me, not the salesperson. She attends the conferences and does not get commission.
I’m new to all of this and I’m hoping for a good Omnipod experience! So far, so good! Good luck to you!!
My medicaid is QMB. It will ONLY pick up what Medicare doesn’t cover so I have no chance of getting them to cover CGMS for me.
I will be seeing her this week to get started on the CGMS, I will ask her.
We had two reps from the Omnipod company come to our diabetic group meeting and do a presentation. We asked them if the pod size would be designed smaller and they basically said no. Their reason was that pods and cartridges are required to hold a certain amount of insulin in them.
So basically they were saying that the pod is as small as they can possibly make it. But who knows…
After all the problems (4 years of issues- counting down the days until my warantee expired with my minimed 712) I wouldn’t use one of their products again unless they showed significant improvement. My DE said she doesnt even recommend minimed products unless it is the only system covered by someone insurance… right now I am in love with my OmniPod =)
The OmniPod is going to get smaller. I took a tour of the Insulet facility and saw a prototype of the next generation pod and it is 37% smaller and still holds 200 units. It is still an all-in-one device (reservoir with integrated canula). The shape is basically the same just smaller. But, like all new devices, don’t hold your breath. It is not due out until late 2009 at the earliest. I currently use the OmniPod system and have had no issues with pods. It will be interesting to see what MM will bring to the plate.
Has anyone seen any pictures of this new fangled device? I just got my 722 a month ago. Should have waited!
Sorry, I just noticed this question!
I have to switch because I have moved to Hungary in Europe and the Cozmo is not available/covered here. I love my Cozmo. But I will be curious to try out the Minimed as well-- but that won’t be for a year or so. And I doubt that i will get the new model here…