New OmniPod PDM & PreOrder News

In my opinion you’re thinking about it all backwards. We are not paying a penalty (really, $150 is a more-than-fair price for a device like this); it’s new users that are being given a concession (rightly so in my opinion).
Do you really think that $150 is not a fair price for this thing? Really?

I’m making my order tomorrow morning.

Ok this is my fault the 50 dollars is counted back 45 days from 6/1/ 09 is april 17th is the cutoff date for the 50.00 otherwise is 150.00 which isnt bad but I just dropped 1200.00 in cash April 20th for the starter kit and 3 months worth of pods So ya I got literally 30 days use on this pdm so ya i would be bent to pay another 150 now with that said IF I had gotten a few miles like 6 months use out of it before the new one came out I pay 150 bucks in a heart beat for it. I personally think the time liimit should be more like 60 or 90 days but thats the customer service in me coming out. RenZ

I just ordered mine as well. I think $150 is an fair price. However I think for newer pod users (like 30-60 days) they should be willing to just replace the old pdm with the new one for free. If someone just shelled out $1200 they shouldn’t be required to spend any more money.

Looking forward to it in any case.

I like that idea. If within 60 days, just turn in old PDM for new one for free or decide to keep old one as backup and pay $150 for a new one. $150 is a fair price for replacing the old PDM, let alone the new one. If between 60 and 90 days, turn in old one and get new one for $50 (it is after all, an upgrade that is more durable with color screen). If past 90 days, pay $150 and keep old one.

Don…since that applies to me, would you mind introducing your idea to Insulet and seeing what you can do to get it approved? Thanks, you’re a doll.

Excellent idea!

Just called them and was informed it would be $150 for me as well. I just started about 2 months ago so Im going to think about it.

$150 is a fair price and the cell phone analogy given is correct. Let us not forget that we get the phones cheaper because the wireless carriers subsidize some of the cost and pass the savings along to consumers in the hopes of making it back via the wireless service procured. So the mobile phone manufacturers (eg. Nokia, Samsung, Rim etc) still get their money back for the production, R&D, etc .

I have no rock solid knowledge of who makes the PDM for Insulet but if they dont have someone else that has stake in it and will carry/split some of the cost (maybe Freestyle?) - the price sounds about right. I’m pretty sure this is a subsidized price too.

At this point everyone (including me) is speculating so my opinion is that it is a fair price for something more important than a flashy phone - remember people lining up for blocks to drop $200 - $450USD for the iPhone/Storm??

A reasonable, thoughtful post, Dman. Still, if I were only 2 months in I’d try applying some pressure through my local sales rep and see if you can get them to include you in the $50 “new user” price.

By the way, people lined up to pay a lot more than that for the iPhone: they were $500 and $600 when first released. And when the “2nd generation” ones came out, those who had recently bought the first one were out of luck - no discount for you.

I can tell you right now that applying pressure through the sales rep will do very little good Insult for whatever reason is dead set on the 45 days counted back from june 1st so April 17th 09 is the cut off period end of discussion no way no how they are not doing it!! I know its kinda insane I told my father inlaw NOT to order until june to make sure he gets the new one as I really think it your 30 days after getting it the upgrade should be FREE and 60 to 120 days should be 50.00 and 6 months to 1 yr 150.00 and more then a yr should be 225 but this is my opinion

Well, I can attest that I received the $50 upgrade, despite missing the cutoff by ONE day. Yes, my initial pod/pdm order shipped on 4/16 and when I called for an upgrade, they said it was $150. I knew from reading these boards that the cutoff was 45 days prior to June 1 and that I missed it by one day. The rep put me on hold a couple times, both times coming back and saying it was still $150. By that point I had her admit that I missed it by one day and that she really needed to speak with a manager about my upgrade. She came back and said they’ll let have the upgrade for $50. Persistence paid off, but they initially would not make an automatic exception, even for one day. Of course, at some point they need to draw the line, but if you’re missing the cutoff by one day, it looks like you might be able to get the $50 upgrade.

I will also be paying the $150! I started my pod on April 23, but my pod kit was shipped prior to the 45 day before June 1/$50 upgrade waive time. I did make sure to inform them of how stupid that was considering it sat in a box for two weeks and they have knowledge of when I started my training. I will pay the $150 only because I know how much they will cost in the future but it kind of sucks.

Just so everyone knows, I called Insulet to get my upgrade and they said the $150 upgrade fee is available only through May 29. After June 1, the new PDM will be full price.

Melissa, I just talked to Insulet to pre-order. This rep told me that they are only taking pre-orders until May 29th, but the upgrade price of $150 is good until Sept 15th.

I was holding off on the order until funds kind of replinished. Then after reading your post I got scared and ordered it anyway.


Sorry, Robin. That’s what I understood from the conversation I had with a representative. But I may have misunderstood. I hope they extend the upgrade price for longer.

Just got off the phone with Insulet. I was transferred four times and got three different answers to some technical questions. Here’s what I learned:
–new PDM will NOT connect with Apple Macintosh (three people said it would, one said it wouldn’t and I finally was able to verify that on the Abbott Copilot website)
–the warranty remaining on my original PDM transfers to the new one. My original PDM had a four-year warranty and I’ve had it for one year, leaving three years of warranty on the new PDM. The reason given was that insurance covers new PDMs once every four years so they wanted the warranty to match.
–Preorders will ship so that the PDMs arrive on June 1.
–No technical information or any detailed information will be made public until June 1. They would answer my questions verbally but have nothing in writing to back up what they say.

I’m not going to order until June 1 because I want to see, in writing, what the enhancements are. Originally I thought that the new PDM would work with my Mac and was really excited about that. Easier access to data is my primary reason for wanting the upgrade. My diabetes educator cannot access the data on my PDM and neither can I.


Mac users, help Janet out! Isn’t there software that allows Windows programs to run on a Mac (and vice versa)?

I imagine you could go to Apple store and they could get you set up to access PDM data with some minimal extra hassle. You might have to allow extra time each time you download data in order to open the software or to reboot. You’d always have the software to run important Windows programs on your Mac as needed.

You can run Windows programs on a Mac, either through the built-in Boot Camp, which allows you to load a Windows OS onto your Mac and boot the machine in Windows, or though a third-party program like Parallels or Fusion, which allows you to run both operating systems simultaneously. You must have an Intel-based Mac for either of these options. I use Fusion with Windows XP, and it works fairly well. You have to purchase a Windows OS disk separately to use any of these options.

There are several options for running Windows software on a Mac, some of them even free. Here are the ones I know of (all of which are installed on my MacBook Pro right now):

  • Parallels - commercial product, but very good and can make Windows programs look like other windows on your OS X desktop.

  • VirtualBox - a free alternative to Parallels. Also a very good piece of software, although it lags in the graphics department; Parallels is better if you want to run high-end Windows games on your Mac.

*CrossOver - runs individual programs (as opposed to an entire virual machine of Windows like Parallels and VirtualBox), but I haven’t used it very much.

  • VMWare - very similar to Parallels, but I don’t have this one.

  • Boot Camp - comes with recent Macs and allows you to choose either Windows or OS X when booting up your computer. This is totally different than the other choices in that you choose to run either Windows or OS X, not both at the same time like the other options above. Good news is that if you have the latest OS X then it is already included.

If you’re only need to run Windows software is for the Abott Copilot software, then CrossOver might be the best choice, since you don’t have to have a copy of Windows to install. Second choice might be VirtualBox because it is free, but you have to have a licensed copy of Windows to install for it.

Hope this helps.

Hi Janet I’m a Mac user and the new PDM will not connect to a Mac. The Copilot software that will be used with the new PDM for charts ect, It’s not compatible with Mac. What I did was get Parallel Desktop and installed on my mac and I can run Windows on my mac for this purpose. I just installed the Copilot 4 software and it runs perfectly. I’m just waiting for the new PDM to get shipped and start using it.

For any software that you choose to run Windows (parallel desktop ect.), will actually need the Windows operating system software.

If you need help with the software’s email me at so we can chat and I will help you with the software’s.