Omni Loop, A1C Below 7, Finally!

I can hardly wait for a closed loop! Love the pod!

Re. 80-120 that’s a normal blood sugar, like for “normies” ie non-diabetics.

Any of you guys and gals ever have a friend, one of those normie type none GMOs say “ooh let’s test my blood sugar?”

What a conversation starter! (And post coital revelry enjoyment I might add!)

So in my decades of d, this has happened maybe a dozen times, and I can say with full confidence in the truth of my objective anecdotal experience (which is what I know to be true because I’ve seen it with my own eyes) that


Some of y’all give me a headache. Sheesh…

Arrogance and flippancy about your perfect numbers and defiance of the powers that be. Give me a break!

While you might consider anyone without a diabetic or pre-diabetic diagnosis as “normal,” this study found that only one in eight people in the US are metabolically healthy. It is likely that your anecdotal glucose review simply confirms what this study found.

Here’s a pdf of the study.


Ok, that may be interesting but I’m not sure how its particularly relevant to a discussion of Type 1 diabetes and a closed loop system.

What about these wild assertions about millions of years of evolution and blood glucose levels below 100, when we haven’t even had blood testing until the last 30 years or so, and only until recently there’s still at best15% variability.

How are we to know that people have ever been metabolically healthy or not? Aren’t we to assume that lifespans are greater than ever before, and mortality rates were much higher in the past?

Obviously eating unbalanced meals high in processed food, lack of fruit and vegetables, too much red meat and poor fats is bad for us, not to mention all the sugar and chemical additives is really bad for anyone! And lack of exercise. But that’s nothing new…

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I plead guilty to straying off-topic but I’ve discovered that many off-topic comments here can contain helpful information. I did, however, respond to your off-topic remark about your anecdotal survey of glucose measured in “normies.”

The tone of your comments does not motivate me to engage.

I will stop here. If you wish to continue this conversation in a separate thread, please start one and I will show up.


Just a quick followup to my old post about getting under 7…

With the loop’s help, I’ve finally broken 6.0 (5.8 was my last a1c)!

As per the above, this isn’t to brag or shame anyone!!! I just can’t share this with anyone in my life who really understands it. It has been a heck of a lot of work for me so I wanted to share with somebody. :smiley:


Thanks for sharing Viggen. That is great news!