Omnipod 5 deactivating

does anyone know if it is a requirement that the pod communicate with the handheld at least every four hours? my daughter has had 2 omnipods go on a constant beep and then given no other option but to disconnect and change for another one.

anyone else have this issue? the previous omnipods did not have this requirement, and it is crazy to me that if you happen to lose the handheld you would be screwed without any basal after 4 hours.

other than this I love the automated function on this pump.

Communication with the hand held PDM is not usually the problem. I have gone overnight with the handheld PDM powered down turned off and had no problem. The pod has to communicate with the Dexcom G6 sensor/transmitter. If it loses the connection, the pod still provides basal. I think you should call Insulet and find out why your daughters pods are stopping.


It is not a requirement, it is an optional setting.

It is a safety feature. The old omnipod PDM has the same thing. If you do not interact with it within a certain preset number of hours, it disables the pod.

This is an option for people to choose, so that the pod does not keep spitting insulin out if you are unconscious. Like if you are asleep for 12 hours, you might be in trouble. But 4 hours seems too short.

You can change the number of hours, or turn it off completely.


And here is how to turn it off:


Here is a reference link:


@Eric2 thank you very much!!! it was in fact this, some how it was turned on and we had 2 change 2 pods because of it. saved us!!!