Our Lois is in the hospital:(

Dear Lois is the hospital with a fever & foot infection from a mishap several weeks ago. She went to the ER on Sunday for the fever & pain & also to her doctor today. Surgery may be needed.

Lois would greatly appreciate good thoughts sent her way for healing & a speedy release from the hospital.

Lois, we miss you & are thinking of you!

Oh no. Gerri, thanks for the heads up.

Lois, I’m sending a prayer your way plus lots of healing thoughts. Get better fast, girl. If I lived near you, I’d volunteer to feed the fish.

Here’s to our Lois, wishing her a speedy recovery and hoping that she is back here soon. Love ya Lois.

Gerri, do you know if she has her cell phone with her?


Wishing you a speedy recovery Lois :slight_smile:

Hey Cynthia,

She has her cell. A call would lift her spirits!

I’ll try to give her a call when I can get the babies down to sleep :slight_smile:

How lovely of you!

Oh know… again? Lois… my prayers are with you and I hope you get out soon! hugs

My Dear Sweet Lois,

I am thinking of you and will be sending good thoughts for a speedy recovery!

I am shaving my legs tonight. and will start hitch-hiking again! (lol, you know what that means) HAHA…love ya XXOO

Hey All,

Just got off the phone with Lois & read her your messages. Sorry Scott, had no idea what QQ means & Lois didn’t either:)

I’ve got her direct room phone # & Lois’ permission to give it out. Send me a message & I’ll send it to you.

Lois sends thanks for eveyone’s good wishes. Robyn, Lois laughed about you shaving your legs.


I think he’s crying

AHHHHHHHHH Scott, you arent so grouchy…old yes…sweet yes!

Devilish good looks…Oh baby!!

sorry to hear that, but im sure she’ll be ok… my prayers and well wishes for you Lois… :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, Cynthia. Had no clue what this stood for!

For sure …good healing thoughts are coming your way Lois !

Lois is in my thoughts and prayers! Best of luck in all that may come her way =)

yea, tears from my eyes… not for any of you tho! I’m cranky and you best remember that!!


Good Vibes are sent your way for an easy healing process Lois. I’m sorry that you are in pain. You are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless!