Painful site - change it immediately or ride it out?

I changed my pump site yesterday (6mm Inset for Animas Ping) and it was a bit painful. I’ve always dealt with the pain until the next scheduled site change unless I saw blood in the site or the pain didn’t subside and/or got worse. This isn’t a common occurrence and generally the pain/sensitivity goes away for me in a couple hours.

I’m assuming this happens occasionally for everyone else on the pump too. My question is, how do YOU deal with it? Since I’ve switched to the Ping (Inset) the process of changing sites has become much easier for me, and I’ve considered changing the site immediately instead of riding it out. At the same time, I don’t want to be wasting sites and poking more holes in myself without need.

I usually just deal with it, as long as my numbers are ok. I mean, there have been times where it hurts just to have clothing rub on a site- in that case I change it. That happened yesterday actually. I saw stars when I inserted that cleo!!

So my suggestion for you would be to just do what feels right. Pumping shouldn’t be uncomfortable, ya know. It’s really up to you to just do what is right for you. =)

I get pain if my 6mm is near muscle tissue. if I leave it in I will get pretty sore. I left one in my leg long enough to start limping (I think it’s sthe stubborn in me sometimes I swear). I guess with me it’s more of a severity thing…

For me, it depends on the type of pain. I can tell the difference between pain that is just due to the trauma of placing the infusion set as opposed to pain from the cannula making contact with muscle, nerve, or larger blood vessels. I will usually move it if it is one of the latter, as soon as possible.