Hi, guys was wondering how you guys remove your pod's? I just kinda tear it off, but noticed that if I start from the back of the pod (i think) it leaves a big lump and other times just a little dot.
is there a proper way to remove a pod? All I see is how to put one on not taking it off.
p.s. today I have had my wonderful Omnipod for a month and loving it. woohoooo
ok but what direction to you remove it. from the side? starting with the back? or the front? or does it not matter? By the third day it is almost ready to come off so it is not adhesive I don't think it is the way the cannula comes out I am thinking.
I peel up the rounded end with the cannula first. I sometimes have a lump, too, if there's been a lot of pressure on the pod. For example, if the pod has been on my left thigh and I slept on my left side, all that weight from my body made the pod leave that impression in my skin. But if it's on my lower back, I hardly ever have that 'lump'.
I tear from the front - from the canula end. That gets the bit under the skin out first, I would imagine that tearing from the back might push the canula around under the skin leading to a bit of damage.
I wipe the area afterward with alcohol, otherwise my skin ends up slightly sticky.
I get a mark round the edges when I've been lying on it, but that disappears in a few minutes. Sometimes I've seen a small lump where the canula was and quite frequently there's a small dot - blood. Once in a while it bleeds, but it stops pretty soon. The dots can stay for a while (days or weeks, rather than hours.)
I start at the back, start slow, then just yank away. Depending on how much hair I rip off, I may scream a little, lol. I would not enjoy a waxing. I'd rather it be a pain to get off than have them fall off.
I always remove mine from Back to front, IE the opposite edge from where the actual cannula is. The only time I removed it the other way, I ended up with a much larger wound that took a couple days to heal.
yup, peel from the cannula end, thats what he pump coordinator trained me to do, she said "Always, always, always, peel from the cannula, I never want to hear that you took it off from any other side"
I don't really pay attention either. But every once in awhile, it really bleeds, and I don't even know until I soaks my shirt or I happen to notice it start bleeding. Maybe it's the baby aspirin I take every morning which thins my blood. This always happens from my upper arms. Maybe I will try removing from canula end from now on. Never had to use a remover liquid or anything. No residue left. Peels off very easily, but not as much on my upper under arm. Just a bit more painful there. Sometimes a little bump, esp after I just gave a bolus before removing.
could be your asprin clubkobe although I take a low dose aspirin every day also and I have not had any issues, I think I have been lucky though, been on the pods a month now and no pod failures or anything. Phew. LOL still trying to correct how much I put in them so that I don't waist any insulin. LOL The pods for me are ready to come off when I should change them but they still stick really well. but going to try today to take it off by the front see if that is any better.