Possible diabetic complication

I went to the eye dr. for my yearly routine exam on Monday. He did the usual stuff, including the eye dilation, and told me that he wants to send me to a Retinal Specialist because he suspects that I might have Macular Edema. I have never had any diabetic complications in my 25 years with this disease, and just the thought of one really upsets my gizzard. My appointment is on the 28th of this month, so we'll see. I'm really scared. Has anyone been through any eye complications, or any other complications, due to diabetes? Thanks for listening!

no help here, but I wanted to say 1) 25 years without complications is good, so you are probably in pretty good general shape and 2) docs, especially eye docs are cautious, so keep your chin up, do as he says, but don't expect the worst, the specialist might have a different opinion.
good luck and keep us informed on how you are doing!

I haven't visited Macular Edema but I had Retinopathy after 22 years with D and Cataract removals about 6 years ago (long term use of steroids mainly, for my other disease). Twenty-five years is a Nice amount of time with no complications. TS offered some Good thoughts there. I wish you Good Luck at your appointment and the outcome.

Thank you Mark! Gonna try not to freak out!!

Thanks Terrie!

Thanks TS, I'll let ya know how it ends up!

Hi Kimmy. My endo sent me to a Retinopathy specialist annually for 2 years. My first thought was that if he was worried, maybe I should be also. But there was no problem, and in the end, it is good to know and handle a problem if indeed there is one. Best luck, I'm sure you'll be fine!

Kimmy-I have had treatment for all kinds of eye complications this year, including laser treatment for macular edema. It involved some lasering and it wasn't really that bad. They use a super, super fine point laser to treat the edema. My eye doctor says that the condition was treated successfully. I have also had lasering for retinopathy this year, several times and a vitrectomy for some uncontrolled vitreous bleeding. Oh, and there were several shots of Avastin in both eyes this year too. If you have any eye questions at all, feel free to contact me directly. I have been through it all. My doctor and I are working on getting control of the situation and stabilizing both eyes. I had about a five month stretch earlier this year where I went to the eye doctor EVERY week. My last visit was in October. I'm not due back until December just before Christmas. The fact that he gave me two months off was huge. Again, if you have questions, please feel free to contact me. I have several eye complications and would be happy to talk you through it. I can still see, I'm still working and living a full life. Take care, Cinderfella

Thanks Trudy, I have a tendency to be a pessimist. I hate that trait, lol!

Thanks Cinder, I will message you as soon as I get a chance!

I had laser surgery on my eyes back in 95 and 96 for both the macular edema and bleeding in my eyes. My vision is currently 20/30 and I just use OTC reading glasses. I had cataract surgery in 2008. Prior to the cataract surgery, I had prescription glasses for distance. I kept them in my car because I only used them for driving. They have really come a long way with eye stuff. I know it is scary, but try not to worry too much.

I had most of the same this last year myself. My retinologist was not very optimistic when he first saw me. Now he seems more excited about my progress than I am.Since you have dealt with D for so long I am assuming you have pretty good control. That's the obvious first step. All the lasers and injections are less uncomfortable than the dentist in my opinion. A little unnerving at first, but once you know what's coming, no big deal.Whatever tour specialist finds it is a very good thing that you are catching this early and if it turns out to be nothing all the better.

HI Kimmy, I had gone to the specialist since I kept getting blurred vision or my sight was not as it used to be, figured it was age related (46) so I went with no worries thought I would be in and out. Well it turns out I have DME in both eyes. yeah. he froze my eye and gave me an injection, I was in shock for a couple of hours, everything was going so fast. I never felt the needle, he told me I would need injections and laser therapy for the rest of my life and that I need to see him every 6 weeks. for a whole month I pumped myself up knowing this time what to expect. I was so scared. well turned out that my left eye did very well with the injection so I did not need one, took me a month to pump myself up and nothing, I was thrilled but disappointed at the same time all the work in trying not to get worked up by it. My next appointment is this tuesday so will see. he has not done my right eye yet and no laser surgery. but the worst part is the waiting if you have a good specialist you will not even feel the needle. and if it prevents blindness then it is a small price to pay, good luck and keep us up to date.
the biggist fear is fear it's self they say.

I have Macula Edema. My retina specialist has been treating me for 8 months and my vision has improved considerably. Most T1's will develop some degree of retinopathy eventually. Because T2 comes on gradually, T2's often learn they have diabetes WHEN they develop complications. In my case, I learned I had diabetes from an optomistrist who sent me to get my blood sugar checked and to see a glaucoma specialist, then a retina specialist. In addition, To the DME, I have cataracts and the beginnings of gaucoma, both of which are diabetets related and need to be treated, but the combination makes treatment more difficult.