Post your dissatisfaction with Omnipod's carry case to demonstrate Insulet needs to offer alternate carry case to include room for the "PDM plus skin"!

Users need to keep on the skin for ~$500 PDM’s for protection from damage, but PDM plus skin won’t fit in the designated PBM carry case slot/area. PBM now rattles around in the case and the video panel is exposed to scratch from other items in the case. That really is bad for a very expensive item.

If you agree, can you also post your disatisfaction below and I will email the result/link to insulet to evidence the demand for a revised case. As an outcome, I would be happy to be able to purchase it. It would take them ten minutes to fix and then tell china, I would bet.

I realize Susan Anderson is considering offering a better case herself:

I am looking forward to her offer as well.

I purchased a carrying case from The Diabetes Mall. It’s called the OmniPod Slider for $22.95. I really like it to carry my PDM, test strip container, alcohol wipes & lancing device. It can be attached to your belt.

I ditched the Omnipod case after looking at it for 5 minutes. WAY too big to carry around all the time.

Also didn’t buy a skin because it covers the USB port. I don’t want to have to take the whole skin off just to upload my data.

I now use an old case from an AccuCheck Aviva meter. The PDM, lancet, and strips fit in it just fine.

I wish someone would come up with a case that is 1) small and 2) not ugly. I want some color! I know people make cases, but so far they’re all too big. I don’t need to carry around a one year supply of everything all the time - a tiny case that holds the PDM, lancet, strips, and a pocket for spare batteries & alcohol pads is fine.

I think if they’re gonna make a case, it needs to be a sortof hardshell case… like the ones that are made to carry portable hard drives in. And make a slider holder for the pdm so it can be lifted out, kinda like the one that the ultramini has. It’s just aggrivating having everything right there, only to have to take the stuff out every time to check because the case is too flimsy. And when you have to check 6-10 times per day, it’s pretty irritating.

this is what I use, camera cases. the one has my pdm and the other has my supplies the only thing is that i have nothing the extra pod would fit to be small or thin. The cases I like have the metal clip, I always break the plastic ones some how. I have been looking for a case that would be the size of my camera case for my supplies yet just wide enough for a extra pod.

I carry lancing device, 2 extra lancets, test strips, a vial of insulin, pen, my nitro spray for my heart if needed and small baggie for my daily meds when I need too.

My pdm is in another case I found at a gas station. we go to WeFest every year and now I have 4 cases I carry.

  1. camera
  2. pdm
  3. cell phone
  4. extra supplies

I would use a hip purse but it gets in the way. I do volunteer work in the food area and dont want to have anything stolen or lost. that is another reason for not using a plastic clip, with all the people down there, you never find anything you have lost and the stuff i carry cost to much to replace. A purse also gets in the way and I don’t wear a belt.

Good luck
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does this OmniPod Slider protect the screen from scratches like the omnipod case does (if you dont have the PDM skin)? (I cant tell from the d. mall pics)

Agreed, I think the existing omnipod case works, except for the fact that the PBM doesn’t fit.

Also, the skin flips on/off so easy on the new PBM that its a non-issue for PC syncing, really.

I am surprized so far that no one above wants Omnipod/Insulet to offer a better case with pod&skin pdm fit, Insulet are the experts on the dimensions of their own product!

Thanks Mark for mentioning me. I agree!! Can’t believe they took so long to finally come out with a new PDM and the features are not remarkable at all. I don’t feel it’s any better than the original PDM - color screen is nice but I would have liked to see more features, etc. The case is a big disappointment and my whole desire to do something different is because our stuff is falling all over the place too!!

BTW - I would think you could get one of those screen protectors that you can buy for your iPhone and cut it down to protect the screen

I believe it would if you faced the screen away from the other items you are carrying. The inside of the slider is a soft material.

Have you noticed the difference in the screen cover? It seems like it is more pliable and could be easily replaced. There’s a little notch at the top which seems like it might be intended to take the screen off.

Cracked screens were a big issue with the old PDM. After using the new one, I feel like the new release is more of a more durable PDM to decrease Insulet’s replacement costs and less of an improvement to the system. The new screen drains the batteries quicker, so I understand the battery straps in the case! lol
I think the case is adequate, but it is very annoying to now have this protective skin and have the PDM falling all over the place because it doesn’t fit in the case.
With Caleb’s old PDM, we used a hard-drive case because it was “harder” and thus more protective.

Bottom line I loved the old blet clip case and with the new pdm they did not make offer one to fit it it sucks i would at this distnce buy one if it was made like the old one just so I could carry this thing. I also never use the goofy rubber case just make the pdm bigger and gets in the way when handling it or using it its NOT an IPOD its an OPOD!!

I also ditched the case that went with it. I ended up getting a pretty thin digital camera case. I also bought a plastic “pill case” to transfer my test strips to (the round container-too big). Its JUST wide enough for the strips, and only about 1/4 inch thick (you can get them at Walgreens). The small pill case holds a full bottle of strips. So, my total package is about an inch thick, and I carry PDA, test strips, and lancet.

Yeah, I can’t stand the options I have. I really enjoy the much better control the OmniPod gives me, but I’m on my second PDM (both new models) because the screen got squished. I am using a soft side monitor case with lancing device and strip elastic holders, but it’s not doing the job and my screen is scratched (tho’ not squished… yet). For something that has to be with you always - it needs to be a lot more portable and durable. Every cheapie monitor at CVS has a carrying case fitted for it. Why not this expensive, essential device?

i’m pretty fond of the new omnipod case (the black one). it’s a lot better than the old one i first got and holds a ton more. i got a white skin when my new pdm came, and i laughed at it. why would you put a skin on your pdm and then put it in a case? that’s like wearing a belt and suspenders to me. just sayin’. :slight_smile:

I use the skin for when I accidentally drop it (once in two months, and I had the skin on). It would be expensive and inconvenient to replace!

We just got our omnipod last week and I was really disappointed that the skin won’t fit in the case. My son is 8, so we need the skin, but it doesn’t cover the screen, so it’s in his old case, like you said - “bouncing around” and the screen is already a mess (not cracked, but not clean) from a week’s saline trial.

If you are a kid you would put a skin on it and then in a case. I can see your point for adults, but my son will drop the entire case and it’s not protective enough of a case if there’s no skin on the PDM.

The skin is actually supposed to cover the port to keep stuff out of it. At least that’s the line Omnipod give you.

This is from someone else’s blog who called insulet about the screen I guess - "the clear screen on the OmniPod’s new color PDM has now been designed so that it can easily be popped out if it needs replacement. “You wouldn’t believe it, but lots of people try to clean their screens with Unisolve!” "