Post your dissatisfaction with Omnipod's carry case to demonstrate Insulet needs to offer alternate carry case to include room for the "PDM plus skin"!

which case is that? i only got a slim style with a belt clip. nothing fits in there but the PDM.

We just got our new PDM last week. My daughter was very excited about the pink skin. I do like the new case that came with it, but as you mentioned, the PDM with the skin doesn’t really fit. We feel we need the skin as this is our 3rd PDM in a little over a year. It only needs to be a little tiny bit wider to be excellent. My daughter is only 5 and takes her PDM to school on the bus. You can only guess at the destruction that can lead to.

I’m so glad you posted this because I think the case not only doesn’t have room for the skin - it’s ugly!

Can’t we get something a bit more fashionable? For the girls, maybe something that could double as a purse, evening bag, Prada’ish…anything but that ugly black vinyl that looks like a fanny pack?

I don’t mind checking my blood sugar at the table on a date or during an evening out with the girls but it would be nice to have something more stylish. I’m sure the guys wouldn’t mind something a bit cooler looking too.

Shouldn’t we have options?

Any high fashion designers out there?


wow, I thought I had reason to complian about…send your daughter my best and tell her improving diabetes technology over her life will only make diabetes easier to manage, as it has so significantly over my life. I love the pod and I personally think its well suited for kids.

Baby steps…

The black case I received with my started kit in june 2009 includes: slot for new Pdm without skin, strip vial, lancet and zipper pouch for syringe/insulin/extra pod/alcohol swab. Its like 6" by 6" by 1.5"-3" thick.

Thanks Mark! We really love the OmniPod. It has worked well for us…she started on it when she was 4. She loves it too and she really loves that she now has a Pink skin on her PDM. I do hope that they make the slot fo the PDM a little bigger. It sure would help us out. I have just started leaving the PDM in the case to check her finget and to bolus her. The only time I take it out is to change the batteries. The rest of the time it fits very, very snuggly in the case.

It fits very snuggly with the skin on? Did you get it to go into the slot, or are you just leaving it in there?

I got it in the carrying case with the skin on. It just barely fits and is not easy to take in and out. I just don’t take the PDM out of the carrying case unless I have to change the batteries. I’m sure it won’t be long before the plastic ‘window’ part of the carrying case comes apart from the elastic though. It is really, really snug.

I bought a package of PDA screens that I can cut to fit my meter screens, my omnipod PDM screen, my cellphone screen. Really helps and easy to remove when I want to replace it.

Hope this helps!

I use one of the ameribag bagletts for carrying my PDM, lancet, strips, tube of glucose tabs, my folded paper log when I have to fill it out. It fits in my purse. When I go out I can also add my ID/credit cards, cellphone and keys. I have a couple in different colors.

I love them.

nobody else was successful at jamming the pod, in the skin , into the case Insulet provided?

Because I was…

(that isn’t to say that I like the case at all… just to say that with a little bit of yanking and pulling it worked out fine for me… I’m on a constant quest for cooler, better, more well-suited cases for my supplies!)

I agree with you completely. Although they should also offer a pod with more adhesive between the pod and the adhesive patch!

I agree with the assessment the size of the clear window needs to accommodate the skin, it is useless otherwise. As it is, we slip the PDM with skin on to the right side behind the zipper/mesh compartment. You have to pull it out for use but at least you can use the Omnipod zipper bag and not another one. However, I end up carrying ANOTHER pouch with the spare pod, insulin, lidocaine cream and alcohol wipes in case the pod alarms (as it seems to do). Hope this helps.

Too bad the case isn’t like the Animas Ping. The case that is included needs a belt clip, but its still HUGE! Need a case that holds PDM, strips, and lancer with a belt clip that is compact.