So tomorrow I’m getting my pump and I was wowndering if it hurt when the needle goes in or if it just feels like the injections do. And next week I’m getting my CGM and I was also wondering how much that hurt. Thankss
Hey Aly,
Not gonna lie, it does hurt a little sometimes. It will probably sting a little at first, but you won’t be able to feel it at all after like a half hour. Just like injections, some of them hurt a lot, and others you don’t feel anything.
If you are really sensitive, you can get a numbing solution that you wipe on your skin before inserting a set infusion set. Also, there are inserters for just about every kind of infusion set made, and one of those might help you a lot.
Enjoy the pump. After the first couple of frustrating days, it’s WAY better than injections for most people.
Ok thanks so much