I get my pump supplies through medicare (primary) and United Healthcare (secondary). I have been getting my supplies through Liberty Medical. Recently, they have been making my life miserable, requiring multiple letters from my doctor and daily phone calls from me. I have been unsuccessfullly trying to get a reorder of my reservoirs for the last two weeks. I’ve had it with them and would like to try another supplier. Can anyone recommend one?
Ha, same deal here when I first got my 712 pump five years ago.
Liberty is an a**hole company ! Actually ran out of insulin one month because of there stupid antics. Biggest ■■■■■ was the phone system, placed on hold for 30 minutes or more, only to give up in frustration… Almost impossible to speak with a live person to "trouble shoo"t your order.
CCS Medical is now my supplier, GREAT service, Medicare approved. I give them 5 stars for service. 1.800.617.6671
Good Luck, I’ve been there bro.
Thanks for your reply. I’ll try your company if my secondary carrier approves them.
I am using Edgepark Medical. Great website and they send me a email to remind me of up coming purchase. I haven’t used anyone else so can’t compare.
Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, my secondary carrier, United Healthcare requires that I use only Liberty or order directly from minimed. Has anyone had experience ordering pump supplies and sensors directly from minimed. One of my problems is that I use a lot of insulin and I have to change reservoirs and infusion sets every two days instead of the standard three. My doctor has certified this to Liberty and medicare and yet, every time I try to get a new order, it takes weeks with telephone call after telephone call in order to get authorization for my full supply order.
All my pump supplies and Sensors come directly from Minimed. I change my set every two days also
because of my Insulin usage.
However my Strips and Insulin come from my local Kinney Drugs.
All of my supplies come from Minimed. Very easy to order and extremely fast shipping.
Thanks. I’ll have to switch to minimed.
All of my supplies for my pump are coming from MM. No issues whatsoever. I have an Rx from my doc for every 2 day changes so I get 50 sets and reservoirs with each shipment. I don’t always change every 2 days. depends on my numbers. But I am covered and have a supply cushion should I have a bad site or the door knob molest me, etc.