Question about insurance and reordering sensors/transmitters

I’m wondering what kind of experience everyone has had with reordering supplies for the G4 and the G5? I’m really getting frustrated with placing an order on the dexcom site or via phone, and then having to wait days to weeks for insurance to authorize the order. For instance, I ordered sensors over a week ago, the authorization still has not been given to dexcom from Blue Cross Blue Shield, even though I’m paying with cash. (haven’t met my deductible yet) I love the dexcom, but this is really an unsustainable process. Am I missing something?

my, is a hit & a miss, the only type, i have is they want a authorization, from Blue Cross Blue Shield, & i have to pay cash to, just $15 for my co-pay, i think my authorization, i get a week before i run out,.

so to me you not missing something, i got to do the same,.

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@TylerDrew have you called Dexcom or are you going by info from their reorder site?

Dexcom has been overwhelmed & apparently understaffed the last couple of months. If you’ve already spoken to them, I would call again, & again.

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I’ve been resupplying transmitters and sensors through Dexcom. I have had no problems and Dexcom tells me that my insurance company is easy to deal with. The problem lies with the insurance company I suspect. Have you called the insurance company directly? I would ask Dexcom to give you a contact at your insurance company that they deal with. Dexcom is on your side of this deal. They do this all the time.

Then follow up with that insurance company contact to find out what the holdup is. The fact that you’re paying 100% right now to meet the annual deductible does not make the insurance company delay understandable. If you don’t get a clear or reasonable answer, ask for a supervisor. Make note of all the names, times, and dates. I think you just need to be the squeaky wheel in order to get the service you need.

If that doesn’t work, find out what government agency you might enlist to shake things loose. Good luck. Be persistent.

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Happy to hear not everyone is having issues with Dexcom. For 2 yrs we had no problems at all getting supplies through them. In Sept I tried to order sensors. My order was never placed. In Dec I tried to order a replacement system. Dexcom sent the pre-auth to the PBM, even though they already had approval through DME from September. The holdup caused such a delay that our order didn’t get placed by year end.

I understand they were overwhelmed by the influx of orders for the G5 in addition to the normal year-end barrage, but they clearly need more people working in the order dept. Their online store has a few glitches as well. The only choice available to me was an upgrade to the G5.

Thanks for the replies everyone. It took a few more calls to Dexcom and to BCBS to get everything sorted out, mainly because they seem to be on different pages, but I think now the order should finally go through. I think the bottleneck was my insurance waiting on proof of medical necessity from my Doctor, that’s what BCBS told me anyway. What doesn’t make sense is that I was approved for the Dexcom G5 because of medical necessity, so why wouldn’t the supplies under the G5 automatically fall under that category? That question is of course rhetorical, because I know insurance companies do everything under the sun to save money and skimp out on money owed… so that’s probably what it all boils down to if I had to guess.

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