Silhouette infusion sets on thighs

Has anyone used the Silhouette infusion sets on their thighs? Quick-sets never stayed put and are not an option. I have to use Tegaderm or IV3000 underneath the infusion set due to allergies. I would really like to try the Sil on my thigh, but wanted to see if others have tried it.

I did it… and liked it!

I found that I needed to use a smaller angle when inserting (around 30 degrees? I inserted manually). I would usually insert it with the needle pointing down towards my toes when standing up. I used the upper, outer thigh.

You still need to be careful not to pull it out (some prefer the tubing going over underwear, others prefer it going under). I switched to Quicksets for a while… and I tried to do a thigh set yesterday and accidently pulled it out when pulling down my pants.

Let us know how it goes!

I use them on my thighs also. I use IV prep then an IV3000 (allergies like you) then the sil/comfort. I never have it pull out unless it gets caught on something. If I know I am going to be active I place another IV3000 just over the needle part of the sil/comfort. I use the front of my thigh or slight to the inside the outside does not work for me but it works for many people.

I really have great numbers from my thigh except I can not go back to it as fast as lets say my hip. Don’t know why.
It might take you a little bit to find the area of your thigh that works best.
Be well and beloved

Thanks a buch girls for your replies!

my next site change is Tuesday. I will be trying this out :slight_smile:

I’ve used angled sets on my thighs but I find that they don’t last very long, 2 days maximum. I was using them exclusively early last fall, and for a month I kept thinking my shipment of insulin had gone bad (!). Come to find out, I was just using sites that didn’t work very well for me. An object lesson in making sure one eliminates all the variables before concluding that something is causing highs.
Best of luck in trying them out, hope they work for you.


site change again tomorrow morning -

numbers going perfect 100-117 :slight_smile:

I’ll have to try the front and slight inside. I used the outside, and thought it was great, until I went to run. Tremendous pain halfway through, that only got better when I ripped it out. Finding very few comfortable spots lately.

I used the top part of my thigh, 43 inch tubing and the Silhouettes - As for Kristin’s pointer - tubing under the underwear so when you pull down, you don’t pull out. Following this, I did not rip it out the whole time, and had perfect numbers. I think I’ve found a new favorite site!

I have not lately …have put my sensor in my thighs …but will do one day . I also did a 1/2 M training etc. and not great , if one uses infusion set on the legs , if legs are used to " extreme "( ha, ha ) . I do approx. 2 inches away from set put a piece of tape over tubing to keep it in better place ( read this on John Walsh 's website , writer of Pumping Insulin ) …no matter where I put infusion set and the good news : have not lost one , when I pulled my undies /jeans up .
You seem to have great success , Cynthia …all the best .