Ok–I’m on just my 3rd pod since starting this a week ago. When I went thru training it was suggested to move sites around. I started on the back of my arm, went to the other arm but then to my stomach area and not liking that as much. Just curious from those of you that have been doing this much longer. Can you go back and fourth from one arm to the other? Does is get sore or iratated if you don’t give it enough time between site rotation? Wondering what others do if how they rotate. Thanks!
I rotate through 4 spots regularly (both arms, and both sides of my back). I occasionally use a thigh or lower stomach site too but usually find these to be less comfortable. The idea is the longer you give the tissue to heal before sticking it again the less likely you are to develop scar tissue. You can probably easily find at least four sites on each arm if you’re careful about it though. Good luck!
We do belly, belly, back, back, and around again. Within those areas I make sure the insertion is in a healed area. Caleb tried the arm once unsuccessfully. I’m going to broach the arm area again when the smaller Pods are released as his main discomfort was the “wobbling” on the arm.
I think there are several users that use arms exclusively though. I’m sure you’ll hear soon.
I use both arms. Right arm with the cannula up, Left arm the same, then right arm with the cannula down and back to the left arm. I will throw in an abdomin side once in a while but it sometimes interfers with sleep since I sleep on my sides. As far as feeling the wiggle I bought a knee wrap and cut it shorter to cover the pod. Found it at Walmat (Mueller, it does not have the hinge like a lot of them do, it is an elastic wrap). This holds it tight when I am doing anyrhing that requires a lot of rigorious movement.
I’ve had many conversations with the folks at Insulet about site rotation, and they have told me the most important issue to consider is not to use the same site within 3 days of being there before. I have found when I disregard this adivice the insuling delivery doesnt seem to be as good as it should be (I must confess, I have no idea why not). So I rotate between about 5 different sites including the front of my arms, the back of my arms, both sides of my abdomen. Good luck Schmutz! (that sounds rude).
I use (in order of frequency):
upper butt (my favorite), lower back (either side), thighs (upper and lower, inner and outer), backs of arms (I wear my sensors there), and occasionally upper abdomen
I can no longer use my lower abdomen b/c I overused it the first 8 years I pumped! So I can’t stress enough the importance of understanding that this is your real estate for the long haul. You will likely pump the rest of your life with diabetes, so you’ve got to take care of the landscape.
Our girls rotate belly, arm, back and thigh. We make them do a rotation through each before they can move to the other side. We did that with the shots throughout the day before the pods.
I alternate use between my arms and back. I usually go in a cycle … lower left back, upper left back, left arm, right arm, upper right back, lower right back. I keep track of which direction the cannula is facing at each site and then do the opposite the next time through the cycle. I’ll occasionally throw in a stomach, but I’m not a stomach fan either. I’m curious about the thighs, but truthfully too chicken to try it.
My son will only use his arms. I have warned him that only using his arms might lead to being told he HAS to use some other spot, but so far - after 8 months, every check-up his endo says they feel fine. She also told us at this last visit that some people’s bodies seem to be more or less prone to developing problems. We also haven’t noticed any absorption issues. I’m hoping he will eventually allow it somewhere else, but he really hates it on his stomach and won’t let me try his back yet. He’s only nine, and very lean - so I can see why everywhere but the backs of his arms could be uncomfortable.
Natasha -
I can understand all of your son’s concerns, and at one time I shared them. I know why he hates the idea of the pod on his stomach, so do most people (if not only because the pod doesnt seem, to work as well there). Maybe he wont be so adverse to trying his thighs or back of his legs(?) If for not other reason just to avoid damaging the “fat” deposits on the arms…I dont know what the endo sees or thinks, but good luck!
Yeah, soccer is what has prevented that so far. The shorts are pretty short, and he runs into people and falls on the ground a lot. Maybe in the dead of summer when he won’t play soccer outside - we could convince him to t least try a leg site . . .
Thanks Everyone…Great replies and I know now that even thought I like the back of my arms better so far I need to keep all possible sites in a rotation. Mellissa that makes total sense and didn’t really think of it that way until reading your post but I have to figure I’m going to be using these for the rest of my life and need to make sure to keep my most valued spots from being over used–Thanks for that input! 870** Thanks for the tip on the wrap…almost ripped this one off on a doorway yesterday and picked wrap up…will help get me thru the next 2 days Thanks Again…~Schmutz
I rotate to 8 different sites - left and right abdomen, left and right lower back/upper butt, left and right arms, left and right thighs. I find them all to be comfortable a majority of the time and it gives each site 3 weeks of rest before using it again. This helps with soreness at the site, irritation from the adhesive, insulin absorption, everything! The more sites you use, the better.
I’ve also heard of people doing their calves, shoulder blade fat, etc. I would just say give different sites a try at least once. Find some others you like. I’m afraid that just using your arms will tire those sites out quickly.
Thanks Rachel…Good advice! So I’m curious as to the 1986??..please tell me it’s not the year you were born! Because it’s the year I graduated from HS
Yeah, it is the year I was born. I’m only 24, haha.
Ahhh…I was afraid of that! Oh Well, I was hoping I’d have another person that appreciated the “Big Hair” music of the 80’s…Nice to meet you!
So how long have you been have you been on the Podd?
I see that you were dx’d about 6 months after I was…It’s been a heck of a learning curve but sure seems easier since starting the Omnipod. Might have some more questions for you since you’ve been on it longer than I. Take Care~Schmutz
I will have to show my son these comments. He is on pod #3 but #2 was in a painful spot so we moved it within the first 3 hrs. So far he has been only in the arms and prefers the side/front areas. He said he might try the stomach next. For those of you who mentioned places like the thighs …doesn’t your pants rub and bump on it too much? He maybe could use there when we know the weather is going to be good cuz he has baggier cargo shorts on then. He sometimes sleeps on his arm area and I think that is why it bleeds a bit. So far no trouble with the adhesive except for trying to take it off! Any hints on making that any easier??
Katsz, I had the same problem with sleeping on my arm. I don’t use arms anymore. Use Uni-Solve when removing pods. I am very upset that Insulet does not throw in Uni-Solve with the pods. I had such bad skin reactions when I was ripping the pods off that I was ready to give up. Thankfully a friend pointed me to Uni-Solve.
I sleep on my sides and sometimes gety a little bit of swelling or blood around my sites, but never anything my endo or educator has been worried about.
I also use Uni-Solve…
I would try out the hips too, I’m pretty lean, but have put on a little bit of weight since this whole DIabetes Debaucle, and when I was a bit thinner I found the hip to be a very comfortable spot…
Good luck!
I ordered the Uni-solve. That last pod was a B to take off. Hopefully that will make his life easier. He chose to use his arm againg but I told him the next pod has to be somewhere not on an arm. He has to get used to other sites.