So, I've been making a concerted effort to eat less carbs and not under-bolus in fear anymore.
For the last several months, my blood sugars have run under 200 pretty consistently.
I am trying new ways to take/split up boluses so they don't hit me so hard, and really trying to listen to my body on when I am dropping fast or stuck in a holding pattern (My insurance won't cover a CGM so I have to guess)
I now usually wake up in my target range 110-130 and try not to eat things that I know will cause havoc later. I am trying to drink LOTS of water, because my insulin works immediately and like 500 times more efficiently as soon as I'm properly-hydrated.
I don't see my endo until July so I won't know for sure what my A1C looks like. But if I got a "9" I'd be ecstatic.
A typical coping strategy:
Devil on left shoulder - "Hi self. Doesn't that bread look delicious? Yeah. That one. The bakery bread with no nutrition label... Mmmmm."
Angel on the right - "Yeahhhh. It does look delicious. You know what WON'T be so pleasing though? The un-budging 400 bloodsugar and the weird flashing that happens in your bad eye when it's that high and the dehydrated feeling and nausea."
Ok that's all. Probably no one will read this, but I wanted to acknowledge my own achievements.